LOW Gate putting the nails in the coffin

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [-КАТЮША-], Jul 28, 2014.

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  1. I hate Low Gate. (come at melow gate warriors)

    It should be a timed event at best (not a permanent fixture). It makes the maps even more baron then they already are. People just sit in there all day and farm the NPCs (blah blah blah stuff for free players blah) and leave the game dead. Best case scenario is you completely get rid of the damn thing.

    Guaranteed this is going to get loads of hate.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  2. you buy my uri and i will leave it alone
  3. Here comes the onslaught of free players defending their beloved farm gate. Get into 4-5 or x-7 like all us old players had to do when we wanted uridium. At least your not hiding away then.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yep, the LoW gate is to blame for dead server, good one.
    Definitely not the fact that any new players who come to the game see how expensive it is and leave.

    The last thing you should be doing is blaming players for the empty servers.
    The reason your post will get hate is because your being an idiot.
  5. Calm down script kiddie. Obviously the expense is the biggest factor in the game, but after 3 years of complaining about it in the forums, absolutely nothing has been done about it (quite the opposite -> more things added). Being a realist, I target one of the things in the game that they could quite easily take out/make a timed event to bring all of the current players back into the maps. Definitely less leg work then firstly cutting the prices, then doing a huge marketing campaign.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    How thick are you lol.

    Get rid of the LoW gate and the players who use to for uridium leave too. You are blaming free to play players for DOs mistakes.

    Go cry about it somewhere else.

  7. It appears to me you are the only one moaning....
  8. -=[ Cubikon ]=-10 14225
    -=[ Century Falcon ]=-12833542880
    9,149.64 EUR


    PILOT RANK:Chief Colonel
    MEMBER SINCE:28-06-2011
    PLAYING TIME:5,088 hours
    51 lf4s full havocs full hurcs cit spear aegis only friend ships and footy ships missing 45 pp

    im happy with the way i playing without buying uri so i don't think it should change :)
    and back in the day 4-5 is where i used to make uri
  9. Nah not hate, just people who are gonna set some facts straight. I'm gonna tag along just in case of the slim probability that this isn't a troll post.

    Part of the reason why LoW is so popular is becasue it's a place to grind NPCs without the hinderance of enemies popping you and the rewards are pretty decent too and it's all good saying "oh go to X-7 or 4-5" but what about if the maps are riddled with enemies or if there are company killers about? Free players (yes there we go I said the two evil words) don't stand much of a chance against wallet warriors (the majority anyway) and so they get popped easily if the maps are being swarmed.

    The extremely high power ceiling is to blame, on top of how expensive it is get to that ceiling as Okapi mentioned previously.

    Btw, I'm an X-7 grinder primarily. I'm not an LoW grinder (although I do go in there with a few others from time to time but I don't do it on a daily basis) but I can understand why it's so popular to player of all levels. You need to grow up.

    And for the record, dropping accusations on others isn't going to help get your point across.

  10. Your problem you hate LoW gate when im on I live in there next you be moaning about players that live in gg gates;).

    Like players mentioned its the expence of the game that ruined a once great game etc.
  11. SpudnicK

    SpudnicK User

    To be honest the group gate as well as the pirate maps and the 15,000 galaxy gates do all contribute to empty regular maps , before all this was introduced everyone would be crammed into either x7 or x6 which made for much more fun , whats left of players on the servers now is made up of people sat in pally field all day and people trying to get their galaxy gates done .
  12. [​IMG]

    How to annoy Dark Orbit users: Mention LoW gate in a negative manner.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  13. Can't say I wasn't expecting that to be posted. :D
  14. leave my 5-2 pirates alone :mad:
  15. steviray

    steviray User

    LOL im surprised to hear that LoW gate is sooo... popular; with the exception of the falcon which is a fair little prize nugget, (I am no expert on Low mind you) what little experience I have leads me to believe shot for shot LoW is an awful return for ammo expense and extremely time consuming. (I use credit ammo for NPC's and Uri ammo for breakin foot off in .....) Probably the single factor in that equation is that I NEVER JUST GRIND im pickin bonus boxes as I go to maximize my time investment for EXP and Uri. I do like LoW because it is a nice diversion for when I start seein snowflakes, cubes n boxes in my sleep. Heres a real good idea put bonus boxes in the LoW gate to make it even better. Muhahahaha cough cough spittle spittle cough. ::pP If I had to reason why servers are so dead I would say it was the awesome job DO did in getting rid of cheaters. Second I would say yes DO is expensive if ya want da goodies, (they dont develop and run this game for FREE, but they are nice enough to let players in for FREE) and I WISH that I could get a lil more outa the dollars that I spend on the game. All in All atom may be on to something TROLL POST
  16. You want a timed LoW gate. That is an all time low ;). I go to LoW to shoot NPCs without having to watch me back and use puny x1 prometid ammo with moth formation - bleck kami. You can do achievement 'pew pew ........' here with all the shootin'.

    Any map/NPCs can be farmed depending on what your risk/reward factor is for YOU. Some even farm GG - go figure.
  17. The nails have already been put in the coffin so many times that there is no space left for any more nails so your argument is invalid.

    ═╝ĀTØM╔═ likes this.
  18. pecanin

    pecanin User

    We are all sorry that there are no more liberators and phoenixes for you to shoot ...try nostromos if you are brave enough...
  19. FYI just under half of my 35000 kills are goliath.
  20. Eh, low gate is the only way to make uridium these days at decent pace. Without it many people like me would quit.

    The fact that rewards in x-7 are so low is the problem. Double the uridium from kristallons and servers would fill up.