[ΛΞΛ] ΛŁŁѕтarѕ Ξlιтe Λcademy (Global Europe 1)

Discussion in 'Clans' started by LoηョWolƒ, Jan 7, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
  1. Hey mates, welcome to ΛŁŁѕтarѕ Ξlιтe Λcademy! Our goal is to help you rise and advance through the game. We're affiliated with our big brother clan composed of UFEs which are available to help with quests or any questions you might have about the game.

    Any new player willing to progress and learn is more than welcome to join, so go ahead and apply!

    We use discord to communicate, that way we can all interact with each other. We use voice when we hunt, but otherwise we simply chat. You'll feel pretty lonely if you don't join us there.

    See you soon!
  2. Zoey

    Zoey User

    still active? I may be looking for a clan..