Mega Happy Hour question

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Scrandy, Dec 10, 2013.

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  1. Scrandy

    Scrandy User

    So for Mega Happy Hour its x3 the amount of uridium, and if you use certain payment options you can get 15% more uridium. I am just a tad bit confused on how the 15% bonus will work. To keep the numbers simple lets say I was getting 5000 uridium. Would I: get 15% of 5000 or 15% of 15000?
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    15% of the 15,000 uri. So in total you would get 17,250 uri.
  3. ok, you buy lets say 330k you get 990k, so 15% of that 990k would be around 145k
    so in total lets say 1,135,000 uri. Which Im about to get this upcoming sunday ^^
    the percentage applies to the amount of uri after being mutiplied by 3
    equation: 3=mega 330k= uri 0.15= percentage.
    ((3)(330k)) (.15)
  4. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    It doesn't actuality matter weather you multiply the amount before or after the x 3 multiplier as the result would be the same.
    If you have say 100 x 3 = 300 x 1.15 = 345

    and 100 x 1.15 = 115 x 3 = 345
    *SILENT_FURY*™ and cooljak96 like this.
  5. Scrandy

    Scrandy User

    Okay thanks so much guys.
  6. Hello Scrandy

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Do you have any further questions?
  7. Scrandy

    Scrandy User

    Nope all my questions are answered.
  8. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

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