Mimesis Mutiny Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Mimesis Mutiny Event. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I would prefer if some Escort maps aren't used if entrees are too low, as small numbers per map makes the event very expensive and impossible to complete. E.g. if 1-15 players join, send them all to map 1. If 16-30, distribute between maps 1 and 2. If 31+, use map 3.
    Harmlessツ likes this.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    During the first 5 minutes of the spawn (e.g. 10:00 AM – 10:05 AM), the EM Freighter will wait for players to enter the map. When you try to enter the map after the 5 minutes are over, you won’t be able to enter the map anymore. is this the only time someone can enter? if so you can't call this an event. it's not for all players, only the few whom play in that time span.
  4. test020

    test020 User

    i see that fall on the escort map 3 with a few players is a rule rather than the exception.

    that's the point though? you get one gate per hour and five minutes and the timers seems similar to agatus ish where it begins at 10:00 in server time, closes at 10:05 and it keeps repeating the 5 minute open mark every hour until 00:00 so that's like 13 gates per day.

    when i was doing a gate i died about three times alongside other players in the map but i had a feeling i would waste my key if i spawned on base so i decided to spawn on spot but i may check spawning on base this time to see if it'll be wasted by blocking me from joining the gate after base respawn.
    (EM died though and i coulg get 400 bytes tops because of my low mimesis dmg :()
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2024
  5. As I am writing this I have waited for more than an hour to get in an escort map... The gate keeps telling me the freighter has gone. So, maybe actually send one of every hour would be a nice start?
  6. From 10am to 11pm one freighter should spawns from hour 00 to 05 minutes.
  7. The game is LAGGING. FIX your game before doing new events. Why is this so hard for BP to understand?
    `Djurkz` and MacSgalpaigh like this.
  8. gates a joke the lagg is terrible, and the botters are auto locking everything and not taking any damage,
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  9. Event is good other than starts when i go to work and ends a few hours after i get off so only a few hours a day can do event while bot's
    run 24/7 in gate and on maps haha don't even expect to rank in any of the rankings not with the amount of botters on the maps.
    For a game that says it's against the T&C there are sure a lot of them
    PowerMad and Star*Fire like this.
  10. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    this issue i have complained about for years, as far as BP is concerned no buddy plays between 00:01 am and 10:00 am and events have no need run at those times. If you play at those times, Oh well sounds personal. ;)
  11. Mimesis gate so full of bots, makes game run 3fps or so. Battle pass gives very little keys and some objects are really annoying like using 30 gate keys.
    Also about the ranking, whats the point even trying to get to the top since you can BUY booster for progression points with real money. No matter how much you do the gate you cant win someone who has bough the real money booster that gives 100% more progression points, and it adds up to the assembly one giving 150% more progression points when people who dont use real money can only get max 50% more progression points.
  12. test020

    test020 User

    don't you have friends that can login at 18:50 so you can prepare for the 19:05 gate or do you work until 00:00 in your server time?

    BP is to promote people buying the silly laser and buy more keys for the other stuff, pure grindset :cool:

    ranking in a automated player game is pointless, in the last galatic strife someone was showing on discord how a dude pushed accounts for his rank easily in the last few hours of the event...

    and it turns out i was right, revive to base wastes your key and prevents you from joining back, amazing discovery thanks to a huge lag spike which disconnected many of the players in escort 3 i was a few minutes ago, i had no choice but to respawn in base or else get constantly killed alongside a robot that didn't get DC'd during the spike.
  13. hi i lov game but i cant play cause connection keeps going i lost conel in 1 week i spent loads i wont spend no more why keep changing game for new stuff ie lazers wen game got other issues your destroying the fun every time new event stop it..if aint broken leave it we all have so much in equiment let us build our own ships ie depatch no more new stuff ..get us a client which works your make a mint wen u goinmg to learn pls x
    PacificNW likes this.
  14. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    unstoppable lag...30 players perhaps is good every round:rolleyes:
  15. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    i play in the morning because i work dorning the day 8 to 10 hours, travel time 1 to 2 hours depending on location of job. after work got a life that needs taking care of. so I only have a few hours to spare. that is when i play.
    PowerMad likes this.
  16. AVIT

    AVIT User

    where is the flipping leader board??? no point in it if you cant see how you are doing
  17. There is no need for a leaderboard on my server. When I have gone into the escort maps the same players are in there and they are targetting the high pay ships faster than you can.

    Waste of time.
  18. I hope to see a mass banning on the ships left in the gate all day long. Its kind of obvious to anyone in the escort map whats going on.

    Maybe this was an attempt to catch the ones that are too foolish to not roll it all day long?
  19. Well if the constant lag doesn't give you a massive headache the enormous amount of bot's in the gate all moving like delta npc's surely will . Thanks BP good job!!!
  20. Thanks for allowing all the bot's to take all the rewards in this event!!!
    MURDERaSTAR[ĐΣŦĦ] likes this.