Mimesis Mutiny Event Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    they were like a salmon run 5 min before ever hour from x3 and x4 to x1 all day.
  2. All the cheating accounts took all the ranking rewards in this event.

    Every cheat account in the gate every hour on the hour, no doubt with paid for 100% points boost too, while in low maps cheating on the event aliens in x3, x4 and 4x maps.

    I, a non-cheater, am not in the gate every hour on the hour and in the maps destroying the event aliens.

    I work, I have an awesome career, I cannot be playing this game for 10+ hours a day to farm events like the cheaters do.

    Meanwhile in little points world, they virtue signal on punishment that does not punish the cheaters while letting them keep 100% of everything they steal, uridium, credits, other resources, ships/designs, pet protocols and gear, lasers/shields/drones and all upgraded with stolen resources because little point are so weak they refuse to deal with the cheating and refuse to properly punish the cheating players with the deletion of 100% of everything from their accounts.

    I do not have time for excessively labour intensive games while the cheaters are stealing 100% of everything during every event going whether it is battlepass or other events that require excessive daily hours to farm resources to require preposterous amounts of resources to assemble items.

    Even now the cheaters are out in the maps stealing the egg bonus boxes - same accounts every year without fail - same for every event, including Astral and Eternal rankings too.

    Nothing but blatant cheating in every form and nothing is ever done about it.

    The cheaters permanently benefit and prosper from their cheating and they know little point are far too sissy to do anything to them.

    If I owned this game there'd be no cheating in any form because the cyber crimes section of local law enforcement would be brought in to deal with them and prosecute them for their stealing and they'd never be allowed back - the fact that little point does not do this proves that nothing in their game is worth the excessive "value" (overpricing) they place on things and are in fact worthless seeing as little point are happy to keep letting them cheat and steal so long as they keep spending the money on those packs in the shop, premium membership, rebate and box doublers!

    Of course, I know which side of the political spectrum little point are on because on the right side, the cheating would be dealt with!
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
    .-señor_dark11-. and PacificNW like this.
  3. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    ditto above.

    it is hard being a legit player, the grind is cumbersome. but the bot's ehjoy the freedom to cheat without recourse.

    i work so can't play hours upon hours to TRY to advance. I enjoy the game espaecially to REAL players i can converse with.

    hopfully, on e day, DO will really make the effort to ban all cheaters, come up with a system that won't allow cheating, and us legit plyers can once again enjoy the game knowing our efforts will be worth the time to do.

    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.