
Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by TheDutchAvenger, Jun 18, 2024.

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  1. We need a mine that can damage PETs. Or better, make pets vulnerable to the mines that already exist.

    At the moment it is too easy and totally without risk to harvest boxes. You just park a fast ship loaded with speed generators in a Dem Zone, and have a pet with lots of radar and evasion harvest boxes all over the screen without any chance to be hit.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  2. Don't use lasers hit with rockets only!!
  3. test020

    test020 User

    that's not as good as it seems, you only have a radii that can "render" the boxes in your client, beyond that nothing will show up and the pet can't pick it up either, it's safe, sure, but compared to actively boxing it's nowhere as profitable, you also need to move from time to time in order to not trigger the anti afk kick.

    as grimor said, use precision targerter tech and plt 3030 with chevron...