Missing prom.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by †Puяple†Minion†, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. Hello, i had an issue with my prom going missing.

    I instant sent the prom to my ship and it appeared in my cargo hold, however when i went to open the tab and put it onto my ship it went and i did not get the 3970 prom on my lasers, the 30 pally i also had went, i thought it was a glitch relogged cleared everything, you know the usual stuff support tell you to do.


    Gave up and emailed support I had the uri refunded, but the uri dont bother me i can get that back easliy, is their anyway i could have the uri re taken 1187(prem) and have prom or maybe even sep booked to my ship or skylab as this has been going on since last night.

    Purple annoying dude
  2. Kill one alien, collect the Prom from the cargo, upgrade your lasers with 1 Prom, and voila, you shud see your missing Prom as the variables in the system update.

  3. I have, still nada :/
    REMOVED support sad she couldnt book the prom to skylab because it was full but its not nor was it when she told me this. my prom was a little under half full and my sep was at 1k
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 21, 2013
  4. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello †Puяple†Minion†

    As you are already in contact with Support, please continue any enquiries through the Ticket you have created.

    The only thing I would recommend checking is to make sure that you do not have a CPU equipped to automatically upgrade your lasers and/or generators - that would be the simple explanation for your cargo going missing immediately.

    Contact Support
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