[ML] Official: IMAGE THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. wth is above your hp bar lol
  2. nothing, why ;p on that picture i killed a vru and took his title ;p
  3. lol nooo no no no no.. There's something there and i wanna know.
  4. its from the mmo winning the event so they get rsb and what not in the shots...
  5. like if vru was to over come them we would get it.
  6. jacktatt

    jacktatt User


  7. Silviu

    Silviu User

    It has something to do with the upcoming Domination event, and i'm guessing that screenshot was taken on the test server.
  8. [​IMG]
    Time It prob was me from who u got it :( U were alot there and i couldnt get u all in citadel ^^
  9. well if you insist there, I got 7 LF-4's on sunday thanks to double lf4 ^^ i had to upgrade them to level 16 right away.now i have 35 :D[​IMG]
  10. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I found no LF4, just about 20 engines :| from 211 keys, how many did you open?
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Just 35? Naaah, you need 45, got to get that P.E.T ufe too :p ... no wait, 450, fill up those extra hangers too.
  12. dunno
  13. at first i opened 300 and got 1 LF-4 lol, until someone in chat told me I was doing it wrong and then i bought another 300 keys and got 6 ^^
    do you like going full damage or you like shields more? I was thinking on getting 38 LF-4's total, so on my tank i would have 28 lf4s and PET 10 and rest shields since im full herc, same with my speed config. okapi do you think its a good idea? :eek:
    also it will come true ^^
    and a post by you okapi lol [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    In most situations shields wins over firepower, you want a balance. On a battle config full shields on ship and 6 shields on drones is pretty much a standard config that is used in JPA.

    2011, you digging deep for that one :p
    What I imaged the game would look like in 3D during that post and what we now know the 3D mode will be are two slightly different things, the big difference is that you probably won't be able to fly up or down.

    I still can't see myself using it, so luckily it is just 3D mode, I will probably just extract all the 3D models and use them for SFM.
  15. Soft_Music

    Soft_Music User

    DarkOrbit on Android(Samsung s3)
  16. Finally got my Referee top through the post from the kicktipp event. Here is a couple of pictures incase anyone wanted to see it. Sorry for the quality in advance[​IMG]

  17. [​IMG] trolol
    -Willows- likes this.
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