[ML] Official: IMAGE THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. [​IMG]
    That luck tho.... the 12 LF-3 from booty in 2 days =) LMAO
  2. [​IMG]that misspell on ''Deisng'' tho[​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2015
    chixonator likes this.
  3. Ver$aceGE6

    Ver$aceGE6 User

    Kappa Power


    Omega likes this.
  4. [​IMG]
    Documenting more Progress :D
  5. so this just happened

  6. Катюша ж-) which server are you playing?

    Two times in 2 hours on Secret Map. Profit is 50k Whites.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2015
    ΣVØŁÚŤÏØИ likes this.
  7. [​IMG]Previous Profile pic (1/2 the original size)[​IMG]New version Profile pic
    [​IMG]My Real profile Pic

    8 drones, 8 hercs, No RINGS!
    [​IMG]Some Noob
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
  8. Omega

    Omega User

    [​IMG]( both died xD )
  9. Look at the mini map, the numbers are half of what they were before the screen shot, wish i snagged one faster. but massive wars are fun :3
  10. Good example of a trashy 2 star. He was using a glitch too, like his other clan mates, every time they cloaked i lost lock. But he ran from the fight when he was about to die, cloaked, lost the lost, and booked it for another map.

    Edit: USA West Infection is spreading!
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
  11. Working on my 2nd account on another server and...

  12. ronz

    ronz User

    How come we don't see that ship by the mod on GB1 servers?
  13. krull69

    krull69 User

    ;)just cuz dd hates me :):D40 LF-4 found in booty 4 from kappa 1 from mission
  14. krull69

    krull69 User

    i would post pic but dont know how :/
  15. Don't know what you're talking about.

    Doesn't bother me none, my GA1 is bugged, DO isn't fixing it, it's a worthless ship, only use it to hammer wars.
  16. Should post it in the threat that talks about station times and kills XD
  17. can't find it
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