[ML] Official: IMAGE THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. I normally have drones off, i had them on lately though lol. Probably would have been a good idea to turn them off, but i was so laggy i was too distracted trying not to die, which 4 people locked me and nearly killed me lol.
  2. _-tiron-_

    _-tiron-_ User

    The fight is hard in AG1 I think ;) And we must have a good pc ...
  3. Omega

    Omega User

    razboi means war :)

    -Corex- likes this.
  4. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    nice stars man, from 1 to General :D
    Omega likes this.
  5. Just curious, what server do you play?
    Omega likes this.
  6. Omega

    Omega User

    eg4 I used to have an account on the west server also
  7. Today's adventure of mine :3

    Was hard ... but well. I'm happy :3


    There is no enemy in Hitac ;)


    After a long day , time for parking :)

  8. _-tiron-_

    _-tiron-_ User

    Good picture ;) Wh'ats your server ?

    Me and my friends :)


  9. TR3

    Wow ... such slow effects much Hitac :3
  10. _-tiron-_

    _-tiron-_ User

    Okkay ;)
  11. LOL Hitac on GA1 is not shared... Greedy players i tell ya. And how come your ship comes in so silver like? Look so different in game for me :eek:
  12. Well you're right. A lot of TR players are greedy .__. they sayin' TEST URI ISN'T ENOUGH ... >.<

    And what do you mean with ''Silver Like''' ??? My graphics are GOOD + Non-zoomed.

    Post yours and say what is different ?
  13. I mean the silver on your ship looks good, mine looks... pale...
  14. [​IMG]
    When you don't look at picture quality, you can see that this moment is quite awesome :)
  15. Dem moment :3
  16. I disagree. If you can lock me before I even see you there is a handshake of parameters that takes place. Advantage you, not me. For me, LAG.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You can disagree it all you like, my data to and from the server NEVER comes into contact with your data.
    If I have a big resolution I can lock you before you lock me, yes. What I can't do is make you lag just by me having a resolution. That is literally mental - the only person it would effect lag-wise is me since I would need to be using more memory on my computer.

    Here's a diagram:

    As I said before, if you think someone having a different size resolution from you will make YOU lag then by all means, report it to support and see what they say ...
    DarkOrbit isn't peer to peer.

    By your logic if someone had a smaller resolution than you and they locked you then your performance would increase? Your computer would magically become better and your fps would rise and memory usage would fall?
  18. There is no lag, from someone changing their resolution, the game had resolution changes all the time then.

    And there are tons of players with bigger resolution. I have about an average resolution, although i plan to get something bigger, for now im too busy saving to buy a new computer for editing purposes. Nothing you can say about resolution in this game to be honest.
  19. Tsamsiyu

    Tsamsiyu User

    Me: "look, there is my spectrum"
    Somebody else: "Oh... what happened?"

  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    That's really well done, great use of lighting on the ship.
    ΩÇΘWBΘ¥Ω™ likes this.
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