[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Soft_Music

    Soft_Music User

    1440p HD
  3. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Another overly long and badly edited video, this time of the PvM event on GB2:

  4. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    UW, Yes it isn't darkorbit. It almost is. (And sorry for the bad music. It is all I had back then.) An yes, I was a noob. But it was fun back then. More fun than DO ever will be.

  5. My last video of Darkorbit, share it with your friends and enjoy!

  6. Istalro
  7. Welcome back Lula
    new video , wrestling, basic general
    share and like


  8. Istalro
  9. Darkorbit - Full AD - Santy771
    new video enjoyment , fights , fights, duels

  10. FLΛSH™

    FLΛSH™ User

  11. STЯIKΞ

    STЯIKΞ User

  12. Well this is my new video, here we can see who's winning the war in Global America 1. Clan REM :)

  13. New vidéo ^^

    Subscribe for more ;)


  14. Second video I have ever made, still a noob at editing
  15. New vidéo :)

    Subscribe for more ^^

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