[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Maybe next time :(
  2. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Hope you enjoy it !

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 18, 2016
  3. Bismut

    Bismut User

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 18, 2016
  4. gamepark

    gamepark User


  5. Istalro

    Last edited by moderator: Sep 2, 2016

  6. Istalro
  7. TURKEY¯¯

    TURKEY¯¯ User

  8. Bismut

    Bismut User


  9. Watch 1080P HD !

    Program Capture: Action Mirillis

    1# Hollywood Undead - Hear Me Now
    2# Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha - In The Name Of Love (Official Video)
    3# Blink 182 - Bored To Death (Lyrics HQ)
    4# Axel Thesleff - Bad Karma

    DarkorbitGlobale Europa 1 ĦĚŁŁMACĦØ[ΔŘM] - Return after 2 years of stop
  10. Bismut

    Bismut User

    reminds me of the battle jackpot :(
    have another two clips that i uploading soon
  11. The last hitac event was pretty fun for the most part.

  12. Bismut

    Bismut User

  13. I've been back about a month and have been building my account up to UFE (I quit in late 09 or early 2010 so UFE wasn't really a thing). Over the past 4-5 weeks I've gotten 39 LF4s, 12 Havocs, 1 Herc, 10 Drones (level 16), etc, etc. Some real time gate vids I made during my insane gate grind yesterday (3 Alpha, 3 Beta, 1 Gamma, 1 Delta, 4 Epsilon, 1 Zeta, 2 Kappa, 5 Lambda, and 1 Kronos all in one sitting).

  14. Bismut

    Bismut User

  15. survy2

    survy2 User

    Hello that's my new video made with 21 lf4... hope u enjoy it
    Uncas23 likes this.
  17. Bismut

    Bismut User


  18. Up and comming pvper. I hope this is the right section to post this material. I've started making videos to make my DO experience a little more involved and overall enjoyable. If anyone wants to 1v1 via uba or from my server, put comment on my yt channel. I'll fight anyone; I need practice :( Have fun all. --NoOne us3
  19. Cosa

    Cosa User


    new video on fr2 !

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