[ML] Official: VIDEO THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. check out my new video this time 20-25 vs 4
  3. вαѕї¢

    вαѕї¢ User

    Hello together.

    KingAndreDO, the creator from "Here Comes The BooM", decided to make a new movie!
    If u like the video so push "thumb up", subscribe his channel and comment his movie!

  4. GB1 VRU Team. I decided to build a base with 2 of us defending it lasted quite well and destroyed a couple of players
    Zero clan and HA were the attackers :) Ty for the test guys.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2014

  5. Like and Subscribe
  6. Hi guys,

    I hope you enjoy this video :cool:

    Thx 4 watching :p

    by by
  7. hi all, last 2 videos from me ;) and
  8. semporti

    semporti User



  9. Like and Subscribe
  10. DarkОrbit ru1-=Wђĭ†е•Мурkа=(^.^)= VENGEANCE VRU 2014

  11. -[könig]-

    -[könig]- User


  12. Hey the latest of my new videos :)
    I also got bored so changed my name :p
  13. own69

    own69 User

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