More Pilot sheets

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by CloudTheGallant, May 5, 2023.

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  1. yes you heard it right , more pilot sheets .Tired of having to reset your pilot sheet setup and having to wait weeks for your seprom to build up? different hangars and different ships could be better used with diferent pp setups. Do they have to be completely new ? no. but new abilities and bonuses and booster stuff is welcomed . for the moment , 3-7 more pilot sheets would be highly welcomed, that way they could be assigned to different hangars. they could be unlocked not only with uridium, but also with hercules or havocs.(yes we have hundreds of those just piling up in the equipment).

    and remember
    ΞνiL never dies

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    Last edited by moderator: May 5, 2023