Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Why instead of sending mcc to another separated server?

    Bp just needs to create a new server with the conditions u said while doing the server merge, this way everyone who dont want to be killed by mcc, can start on this new server or choose to have his/her ship transfered to this server on the merge.

    I think that its not fair if you change some big game mechanics and force it on everyone, just for the sake of some people, instead let the people who dont like how are the things right now to change to another server.

    But i dont really think that separating people will be the solution... it will just kill the game on the long term, no matter if u send mcc to another server or u send the other people to another server.
  2. You really need to read more of the forums. The Events are not working because a few Clans on every server destroy the enjoyment of the many. IF these few were not on the servers they would thrive and would not need to have the merges as already slated. We have 2 issues causing the loss of populations on the servers, First is the multiple (and constant addition of NEW) glitches/bugs that effect game play, and second is the Mentality displayed by many MCC's of we rule here and no one can enjoy the game unless we allow it.

    I know not all MCC's adhere to this thought process and as such they would be the ones who would take part in the Change of Company Voucher as they are not in the MCC for Rank but for the enjoyment of the game.

    Everyone has the right to be able to enjoy the game and Events presented, these monopolizing Clans need to be silenced and the best method is to remove them during the merger process and allow the other servers to maintain some semblance of what D O used to be, many players fighting for the same rewards, not just a few lucky ones ruling everything.
    meatpill-Warlord and Odin® like this.
  3. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    This happens because servers are almost dead, with the merge, they wont be able to dominate that easily or maybe, they wont be able to dominate at all. And maybe the problem u presented about 1 clan dominating will be solved with the merge right?
  4. do you not listen to the podcast They cant do this cause companys will be to off balanced
  5. get rid of multi clan period its a name of the game
  6. ok say they get rid of them whats going to stop them from idk MAKING different clans and napping each other OR still controlling events going to be in the same boat as you was before I have yet to see someone make a comprise that will favor both sides and not lose players and that's what the darkorbit team is going for i bet
    Odin® likes this.
  7. 3 companies must be separated from one another,if you use outfit you can use only with own company!!enemy company not possible to use own company nothing to do with enemy company"enemy is enemy"that is all.
  8. Long ago the 3 companys lived for war over each other but everything chat when the MCC's ATTACKED only the avatar master of all 3 companies can stop him but when the darkorbit team needed him most HE VANISHED 9 years have pasted and he still hasnt been found
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
    Odin® likes this.
  9. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    With the merge companies are going to be messed up and unbalanced anyways, so its not a big deal imo.

    And unbalanced company distribution has been here since the game started, on some servers u had the 3 companies fighting equally, but there were many other servers where 1 company dominated the other 2 by a large margin, so its nothing new.
  10. I really don't understand the problem here, unbalanced companies are part of the game, it's natural.
    Long ago (just after Havoc was added, I think) on GE4, one whole VRU clan moved to MMO (about 30 UFE players). Their reason was simple: they'd have more people to pop. VRU was crowded, EIC was in the middle (slightly less populated than VRU), but MMO was underpopulated. They had changed companies only because there were more enemies to shoot in VRU and EIC.

    As for newer players, they'll soon find out that one company is dominating or that the company they are in is not able to compete. They can change with fewer 'punishments' (they'll lose 50% honour, but it wouldn't matter that much).
    --> This doesn't mean there shouldn't be changes for newer players! Their situation still needs to improve!

    Unbalanced companies are not a problem IMO.
    In addition, IF (and only if) DO was a healthy game (aka new players coming in), companies would balance out naturally. Due to people moving to lesser populated companies because there's more to shoot at when they're in that company.

    As for MCC: company > clans.
    Enemy companies are always enemies.
    You shouldn't be able to be in a party with enemies, clans shouldn't be able to have enemy clans as allies or have a NAP.

    Punish shooting your own company hard. Don't give negative honour when you destroy an ally, start giving negative honour when you damage them.

    I'm not in a clan and I've had enough of my own company (VRU) shooting at me because I'm trying to kill someone of MMO or EIC, just because they are in a MCC.
    It's really simple: company > clans.
  11. it doesnt matter they already said they not doing that

    i fail to see the problem with MCC just beat them instead of coming to the forums crying about how they ruining events how about stop sitting at portals and fight them OR even join them and play events
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 5, 2017
  12. *Rob9614*

    *Rob9614* User

    a problem that will occur either way is that you can still chat to them so even if you still have friends in another company you can just get them in a group and hunt with them or even on a call on something else just to be organised then its basically the same just without a tag - something to consider
  13. Hard to beat one UFE with his fancy cyborg, spartans, moth and kamikaze. Let alone beating 2 of those guys or MCC people who don't care they receive a bit of negative honour (it's not enough and will never be enough punishment for killing friendlies). If you're not one of them, you lose. It's that simple.

    Fail to see the problem? I'd happily invite you to play from a perspective of someone who has only got 8 LF-4, who has just got full havoc. Fighting is definitely not an option. You can't try to run because of those ice cube missiles. In all seriousness, this is just made to terrorise those who can't fight and have to run to survive, because if you can fight, you'll fight and then those ice cube missiles aren't necessary.

    Even if you could try to run, they're still faster (16 generators, surgeon and cyborg, tartarus is automatically faster), didn't even mention the dmg they have of about 100k per shot. I have no experience what it is if you have hercules, but I suppose 15% extra shield and 20% extra hp won't cut it. Only chance you have is flying in a spectrum and even then you'll have a lot of trouble getting to that gate... Don't bother using EMP, you're only wasting resources and delaying the inevitable...

    MCCs have to go, it will at least solve the problem where friendlies shoot at you because they're in the same clan. That's the problem here, I would never complain about enemies popping me, but I am complaining when they are friendlies. They should never have any reason to shoot other friendlies. I'm definitely complaining when I can't do anything because I not only have to look out for enemies on the radar, but also friendlies, as they'll just shoot you for no reason. This week, I've probably been popped more by people of the same company than of enemy companies... It highly likely won't stay by 'this week...'
    Odin®, batata and HelpMeHelpYou like this.
  14. Just make game like Battle Star Galactica!,companys must be separated and then we have great game!!,and also weak players cant do nothing when he kill NPC own company come"strong player" and he pop him or shoot him to stole NPC from him and weak player quit play game cuz he cant earn nothing in game cuz of noobs.,i help alot weak player but i see what strong player of my own company doing.they shoot weak player for kristallon OMG,or he bring enemy company to pop weak players so remove that MCC and make seperated companys.
  15. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Bottom line DeathByCheetos I play with quite a few MCC buddies. I don't have to be in their clan to fly with them and they don't have to be in mine . We outfit up and if it's hunting time or CBS time . MCC's was and is a circumvent from the 3 company rule years ago when folks wanted a New Company to join w/o loosing HONOR and DO didn't create a New Faction so the players did. Just because [if there is a dismantling of MCC] it doesn't stop people/friends from flying with each other and spending money . Even if a MCC is dismantled NO Account looses Honor. For example: a 50 member MCC is ranked #1 with 17 eic ,17 vru and 16 mmo all split up back in their same companies . Now gather a member from each and start a clan in each company. There they can gather new members even from the merge and rebuild that same #1 MCC with alliance in the other 2 company clans that were created and now you have a member base of 150 members. So you see it's to everyone's benefit. Smaller clans will be merging into larger more powerful clans within the companies.
    Now if you take the remaining top 4 clans and repeat the same procedure as what the #1 clan just did you add another 600 members competing for the #1 spot
  16. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    With full havocs u should be able to escape easily with spectrum, just click the spectrum key as soon as u see them, or as soon as u see any suspicious red cloaked dot, the cooldown is soo short nowadays that u can spam it every 2 mins+-,
    Odin® likes this.
  17. ATEER

    ATEER User

    You missed the point. If companies are separated in a way that there is no NAP, and you can't shoot your own company just enemies. And no groups between enemy companies. Then it is not the same.
    So stop making it look that it all stays the same and you get stronger as you would not :p
    SmieBOX and Odin® like this.
  18. plus it would be boring honestly.
  19. Odin®

    Odin® User

    I do understand. The point is to create a solution as to [if any Terms and Conditions as to Allow MCC or Dismantle MCC is beneficial for all Parties involved] : 1. BigPoint-DarkOrbit ...2. MCC players 3. Non MCC players . I have players sending me applications for membership into the clan and these players are owners of same company clans for yrs. but their inactivity has dwindled so the clan owners are dissolving their clans and moving some of their members to the more active clans within the company. My suggestion revolves around the same principle of recruiting new Free Agents. I've got young and old players that out rank me in the ep and honor department. It's how I run my clan that has meaning to the game and their style of gameplay. Communication is key and the respect you show others goes a long way in this game. I've climbed over 60 clan ranks in the past 5 months with only 28 members less 1 inactive I've offered solutions as to events ie hold an event in x-1 maps for same company players that have 4 billion ep or less. As for non-aggression-pacts / wars / alliances keep them just as it was in the beginning. Heck back in the beginning you could fight in any map especially in the x-1 maps
    Now below is 1 aspect that OP32 put together

  20. Well said. I would like to add to this: events in general are unfair because for those unwilling to give up their social life, they have no chance at getting prizes. Having an event in x-1 is a great idea but I think what would be even better is if darkorbit adds more demilitarized maps like x-1 and have events there. Maybe expand the demilitarized zone giving something more to new players

    Why are the servers dead? Which came first the chicken or the egg? doesn't matter which came first. the only solution is to destroy the egg and kill the chicken. Eliminate MCCs and any derivatives of MCCs.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 7, 2017
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