Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. Mods can only pass on what they see in the forums. It is the Dev Team that need to take action to what is passed on. I would have thought that since this was an @OP32 thread he would have posted to it more than he has.
  2. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    unfortunately u have to be long to a clan first.
  3. Sagturius

    Sagturius User

    Yes but they dont count toward my enemy missions.

    What might be even better is that MC Clans be changed to CLANS WITHOUT NO COMPANY AFFILIATION - which is essentially what they are. However, I would suggest that pilots in such clans would be red dots for everyone outside their clan and count on enemy missons.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 9, 2018
  4. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    I can only hope that as a Mod (who one would hope has experience in how the game is actually played) this post is not serious.

    Declaring war on an MCC is as good as declaring your clan will dissolve within a short time.
    Unless you happen to be in a top 10 clan, which funnily enough on my server all but 2 are MCC's, you may as well declare war on all of the top 10 clans.
    Yes they will and do fight each other, until someone not in their alliance (informal) declares war, then you are fighting all of them with or without war declarations.
    You shoot war target, he/she shoots back and 10 of his friends from 3 or 4 different clans (many from your company) kill you.
    EvilHotDog likes this.
  5. I think most of us are over complicating this issue. If friends want to play together then they should join the same company. MCC's are just a loop hole so players can attack the same company without declaring "WAR". Identical clan tags should not be allowed in different companies. Too many gray areas.It should be us against them. If they want to have a clan of two hundred members , so be it . As long as it is of the same company. Any player should not be allowed to guard an "enemy base " because it's the same clan. Come on folks , this is not rocket science.Enemy companies are just that and that's the way it should be.It is my opinion that even groups should NOT be allowed to have members from different companies. This game is not going to fall apart if we eliminate MCC's. Even though supporters may say otherwise. Lets get back to basics, MMO has two rivals(EIC and VRU);EIC has two rivals (MMO and VRU) ;VRU has two rivals (MMO and EIC). What is the point of having different companies if they can just join forces. The only other alternative is to eliminate the companies altogether and just make it a clan based game. Then players can make their alliances and battle with rival clans.
  6. thor714

    thor714 User

    i could not agree more!!! i always think back to the fact that when you sign up to play this game,you have to CHOSE A COMPANY!!!
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
  7. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    DO and Bigpoint need to quit playing around with this topic they have gotten enough feedback over the last month or so to make a
    decission, on how people feel about this problem, and what to do, So Do and Bigpoint make decession allready!
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
  8. As posted NOV 7,2017

    >here< if you missed it!) relating to this subject, there's a lot to read but it's quite an important topic to us.

    For the feedback please let us know what you stance is on the MCC, are you for or against, whats your experience with them in the past?

    The most interesting part for us is the discussion around potential solutions. As mentioned in the dev blog in an ideal world our aims would be to do the following:
    • Remove MCC.
    • Keep company activity relatively balanced.
    • Allow friends to continue playing together.
    Finding a solution that meets all 3 requirements is proving to be tough.

    What do you think is the best strategy to take? Which area of this topic is the most important to you and is there something we are missing / not putting enough importance on?

    We're excited to see the feedback!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
  9. I think most of us are over complicating this issue. If friends want to play together then they should join the same company. MCC's are just a loop hole so players can attack the same company without declaring "WAR". Identical clan tags should not be allowed in different companies. Too many gray areas.It should be us against them. If they want to have a clan of two hundred members , so be it . As long as it is of the same company. Any player should not be allowed to guard an "enemy base " because it's the same clan. Come on folks , this is not rocket science.Enemy companies are just that and that's the way it should be.It is my opinion that even groups should NOT be allowed to have members from different companies. This game is not going to fall apart if we eliminate MCC's. Even though supporters may say otherwise. Lets get back to basics, MMO has two rivals(EIC and VRU);EIC has two rivals (MMO and VRU) ;VRU has two rivals (MMO and EIC). What is the point of having different companies if they can just join forces. The only other alternative is to eliminate the companies altogether and just make it a clan based game. Then players can make their alliances and battle with rival clans.​
  10. The OUTFIT has always been a possible way for "friends" of different companies to join together to kill NPC's (Uber/Pirate) and complete missions faster, it also allowed them to hunt in enemy territory together. We have always had MCC but they were few and far between and usually easily dealt with as the populus would overpower them but since so many have quit the game they now control most servers.
  11. thor714

    thor714 User

    not trying to argue with you help but it sounds like you start out defending them and end up acknowledging the problem........?
  12. I defend the need to allow all companies to make an OUTFIT for enemy or NPC hunting as sometimes you can only find enemy ships in the maps you are hunting NPC's (Uber and Pirate maps). But I do not agree with the MCC policy of a "friendly" ship targeting you for a clansman and assisting in the kill. The FACT that the MCC have been around as long as I have been playing does not mean I support them, I just acknowledge that they once were kept in check and had DO not offended so many WALLET players with their "Reloaded" game we would not have the best players in the game in the 3 or 4 MCC clans that run the servers now.
    thor714 and Sgt_Ocker like this.
  13. thor714

    thor714 User

    i came in before reloaded and i remember our big guns protected our gates and maps and the battles that happend there.i mostly died trying to help but i sure do miss the game as it was back then.
  14. I know its a bit out of the subject but i feel like erasing the jump chip would help in alot of aspect of the game even if it look crazy. own company killers would get less help from their friends out of the system. it would be a pain to get in the upper map like in the old time when i was a noob it was pretty much 50/50 chances to die when you made your way to the upper passing trought battles maps. i believe it could help in some way about mcc.
    DO should make something about shooting your own company. increase the punishement or just cancel the attack lock on your own company (except for aegis etc.).
    like STARLIGHTHUSTLE said dev over complicating the issue or just dont care because they want more useless overprices camo...

    (Jpa should be back even if its 10$ the winner rewards...)
  15. The only problem with the thought of deleting the AJP is a player can "Park" a Hull with a Cloak in all maps and then decide to WARP their main ship to that sight, it takes a little longer but then the time you spent selecting the map to jump to could be the time getting back into the client after changing Hangar on back page.
  16. My thoughts on this:

    1. MCC's could just be changed to be a company-less faction. If they were all outlaws it would be a much fairer to deal with them.
    2. Friendly fire against same company could be removed. This would removes the loopholes enabling MCC to attack same company players. Not to mention some of the hostilities between players.
    3. Remove the ability to war same company clans. Your supposed to be working together with your company, not against each other.
    4. Change Dark Orbit so that MCC doesn't even need to exist. Remember why players are making these clans, there isn't enough players in this game. If we implemented major changes that would encourage new players to actually keep playing, DO wouldn't have 99% of the problems it currently has.
    5. Change PvP to better fit the current state of the game. With the way this game is designed, only people with a lot of cash or too much time can get to the point in the game where they would even be relevant in any of the PvP situations. I know that Dark Orbit was designed to have 3 rival companies fighting each other throughout the entirety of the games play area, but its unfair to a point that no one wants to play or even try to progress to a point were they'd (probably) have a fair fight. This game feels like a grindy MMORPG (cough RuneScape) with level one players getting spawn killed by max level players. If PvP was changed, making it a fair PvP based game OR keeping and reinforcing the RPG elements of the game, we could potentially have more players, change or remove the need for any MCC, and have a much more enjoyable experience when playing Dark Orbit.
  17. there would also need to be an increase in the rewards from npc's just because mcc also form due to the fact that they want to kill cubes since that's the fastest way of grinding , doubling the rewards would probably solve this since the game has been getting more expensive and there are only so many ways of getting uridium quickly since not all of us have hours and hours to spend on this game anymore
  18. I partly agree with this. The balancing around the rewards of activities in game is off. It should be much more rewarding to fight harder to defeat enemies based on the risk involved, not the same rewards all around each of the aliens. Cubikons are the only alien that don't really follow this, being more rewarding, so UFE players like to farm them.
  19. Hi All,

    Well nothing has changed in the time this forum was created. I was out yesterday in USA 2 and MCC was there a plenty. I was at one space station and saw a bunch of my company plus other companies. I thought I would help protect the station we out number the foreign companies. They were all high level with crown and shield to my nothing. That was a mistake to help. My company people weren't helping to protect the station, but to destroy it. Next thing I knew they attack me. When I was heal, I went back out. They had destroyed two stations in VUR sector that I saw. But it didn't stop there. I was getting alerts of other stations being attack in the other companies' sectors. I don't know how many stations survived yesterday, but I guess not many. I didn't stay long and left, and went to another server.

    Good old DO doing its job. Oh thank you DO for being the team you are. Keeping your rules in place so the game has a level playing field.

    What am I saying, DO doesn't care unless its the money they make.

    ]Coldheart[ and badwon[spt] like this.
  20. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    1. Not sure if dealing with 1 MCC would be better or worse than dealing with a whole faction of pirates MCC's. Removing them from the 3 existing factions would create a new "pirate" faction, which I believe would be a lot harder to deal with than what we have now. Most MCC's don't recruit new players so their ranks are primarily filled with UFE's or those close to it.
    On my server 8 of the top 10 clans are MCC's - Put them together in one faction as "pirates" you have an unbeatable force.

    2. Agreed - If it is changed so that you cannot shoot a player from your company with out declared war this would to a certain extent break the monopoly MCC's have. I can't shoot a base that belongs to a clan from my company, even if that base it assembled by one of their members from another company, simply extend that to players (all players, not just those in MCC's) - MMO can't shoot MMO, VRU can't shoot VRU and EIC can't shoot EIC. This would also remove the ability of a player to just sit and watch until I have a cube close to death and then shooting me off it so he can take the kill with little effort.

    3. No, same company wars can be fun and interesting. Remove them and you risk one or 2 clans clan dominating the whole faction.

    4. This could be quite easily achieved by removing or at least greatly reducing the penalty for changing companies. When you join a clan you automatically change to that company. Change the Honour cost to URI or even credits, a players honour doesn't benefit his company at all and is only counted for rank so there is no valid reason for a 50% reduction when changing companies - The company didn't give it to him, he earned it by completing tasks/missions.

    5. "Fixing" PVP, is an issue that could be dealt with in several ways. I remember the days when an FE goli with 8 iris was the top ship in the game. Then came LF4's and a new line up of ships (Venom, Spectrum, etc), players complained about how unbalanced PVP was "before" LF4's and the new ships were introduced - and nothing has changed.
    One "fix" could be that a ships damage output is related to what he or she is shooting at. If a UFE is shooting at a guy with 2 iris and 6 flax drones and only 10 LF3's - he would do reduced damage.
    Another would be cost to compete - They sell starter packs of LF3's, why not introduce single purchase packs of LF4's?
    But PVP is not within the scope of this thread so best left alone.

    IMO, If DO keep sitting on their hands over this issue they will lose a lot more players (as it is about 3 of 21 in my clan are active on GA2 - the rest are waiting for mergers and this issue to be resolved).
    A little feedback from an 8 month old Dev post (that has had no feedback to date) would be a good start.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2018
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
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