Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. You are correct about the MCC problem's. But sadly DO does not care and will do nothing about it. This is why there GAME DIED ! The little guy's or FE cant do the event's and get any rewards so what fun is that for new players" NONE"
    thor714 likes this.
  2. thor714

    thor714 User

    even UFE cant do event if not in the right MCC.
  3. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Well those 250 guys that are not part of those mcc can just group up and destroy those 150 players.
    If they cant because they lack coordination, its not Darkorbit's problem.
  4. Guys are you not listening?...
    Dark Orbit already announced that they were going to consider getting rid of MCC's...After all, that's what this thread is about. However, they haven't done anything...Yet!! Maybe the 100 new missions will break up the MCC's..Let's see?
  5. Ion

    Ion User

    If you merge the servers you are only avoiding the inevitable. we need to appeal to the new potential recruits. I know advertising costs money but I think if you could sucessfully advertise you CAN get your money back by gaining new players. the issue isnt joined clans, issue is dwindling players due to bots. but to stay on point. I believe if you want to get rid of mixed clans than make it so if one company makes more damage than the other company can not recieve the prizes. It's simple, this would completely discourage mixed clans. So than the problem becomes having one faction over powering the other. true it would happen but it has always been like that. and I admit it will suck, especially if ur a noob from opposing faction and let's say you are trying to steal spaceball... but if you want a clear solution this is one. If you would like to contact me personally please send me a message and I will give you my email address.
    Background: Yale University student software engeneer.
  6. The player shield that wrrior angus said at the begining of thread is actually a good idea to implement into certain events. If a player decides to shoot then his shield is worthless. This gives everyone am equal and fair chance to play the event and collect prizes.
  7. SympleX

    SympleX User

    Multi Company Clans cannot be avoided now in 2018. But in 2008-2010 it was meta to stay in a clan in your own company, and it will just changes after years. The main problem in 2018 is the amount of rankpoints what players have nowadays. It could be caused by double rewards what made it even worse, but before there was no double rewards multi Company Clans became meta. So i think it's not the fault of implementing double reward, but the opinions of players.

    I sadly also can say that own company clans never will come back again because players don't want tho.
  8. Let's see...
  9. The majority of we the players do NOT want these game/event/game growth controlling MCC's.
    Original post was edited on November 07, 2017.
    This is post # 489.
    ...............NO ONE IS LISTENING............................
    ...enjoy what you can in this ONCE great game....................
  10. I think multi company clans get players wasting ammo and items more than straight companies. Therefore I believe the revenue is better from everyone popping eachother. If you really think long about the game and realise that ufe are no longer UFE...In fact they are newbs...The current environment is ideal unless of course 1000's of newbies join the servers I doubt nything will change. My personal view is; the game story line is so out of proportion to how it all started that Dark Orbit should get rid of companies and make it an all against all game or bloody revert back to the original story...The reason I'm saying this is because the majority of players are unhappy on all servers...Maybe it is just the way real life is atm? Lol.
  11. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    There will always be a faction controlling everything, might be a clan or might be a company.
  12. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    Actually it is DO's problem, it is (faster than ever) killing the game.

    Demaner is the current event showing just how bad for the game MCC are.
    4 guys shooting Demaner, while around 20 of their "friends" guard portals and fly around the freighter to ensure those 4 get to kill it unhindered.

    Now is the time DO developers need to step up.
    Server merges aren't going to make a difference to the way the meta has developed - Only the games developers can do that, by making the hard decisions and seeing them through.

    *As server populations continue to dwindle so does the need for members of the development team. If Devs keep sitting on their hands over this issue they want to make sure their resumes are up to date.
  13. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    Merges will help a lot.
    MCC from server 1 will start fighting MCC from server 2, meaning that the rest of the players will have a chance to play events and such, since the MCC's will be busy fighting each other.
  14. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    That should last all of a month or two, until the MCC from the newly merged server ally up or just merge - No top ranked MCC is going to risk losing their position by constantly fighting other dominant clans, so they fight for a while and then ally/merge once it becomes clear - While they are busy fighting each other the rest of us are doing the things they used to dominate - Spaceball, events, etc.
  15. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    I disagree with the part of them merging together, MCC's are usually big clans with a lot of players, they want to dominate everything, so allying or merging with another MCC is a NO GO(allying or merging with another big MCC means that they will have to share events with a lot of other people, and thats means less rewards for themselves).
  16. Merge server and make each server a company ...duh?
  17. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    So you believe the top clans from one server are just going to roll over and allow the top from another to just run them out of the game?
    Reality is - It is better to ensure you get a share of rewards than be fighting over it and possibly get none.
    These guys are primarily veterans of the game, they will ally them selves with anyone who may be a threat.

    Personally I'd rather see these top clans fighting each other for dominance, I just don't see it playing out that way.
    olleH likes this.
  18. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    I hope that no one is going to roll over and die, it wouldn't be fun that way.

    Im part of the MCC that has been controlling GA1 for like almost 2 years, and our take on what to do after the merges are: We are going to kill our way until complete dominion of the server again, that is what we did when we took control of GA1, and that is what we are going to do after merges(Just want to have big group fights and have fun).
  19. Muto98

    Muto98 User

    Hi, what do you think about group booster
    On demaner i got attack by 4 player and they just oneshot me (i had 470k HP 420k shield) . Darkorbit team is think that this is fair for that players who don't have big clan? You can't kill them because alone you have 20% dmg and HP 50% shield but they 55% dmg and hp 100 or more % shield OMG...
    Do we have a chance to delete this and share only exp and hon booster . ok i agree with that how this is good in gates and for fight but UNFAIR...

    thanks,good luck
  20. Sgt_Ocker

    Sgt_Ocker User

    And right there is the reason DO needs to do something about the narrow minded view a lot of MCC take on how the game should be played.
    While it is nice to be the top clan on a server that is very different to what most MCC actually aim for. They, like you said, don't just want to be number one, they want to and do dominate servers. Players will continue to leave the game if there is no room to achieve personal or game goals. If MCC such as yours have their way, there will be no-one left to compete with - Every clan you pull apart on your way to "dominating" the newly merged server means less players actually playing the game.

    Tell me, after 2 years of dominating GA1 what's left aside from denial of content for others for your clan to do?
    You dominate any event DO puts on, to get rewards you can't use because there is no one left to challenge you. Your top players spam Hades chasing rank that means nothing in a game that is so dominated by a minority (except possibly to that minority).
    All sounds pretty boring for the majority to me...

    And really, why go MCC? Are you not good enough to hold your position as one company - The way the game was designed?
    Having to rely on cross company membership to maintain the number one position sounds a bit cowardly to me. Or is it fear that you may not be as good as you appear without the ability to kill your own company without the need for a clan war?
    My position is - a large percentage of those who join MCC do so due to risk aversion. They aren't comfortable with their ability to win a fight on a level playing field.
    When the game becomes all about a minority winning with minimal risk, the game overall suffers.

    NB; For years DO has spent their time developing the game toward a fail-cascade. Now it is happening, they are clutching at straws trying to find a way to save what is left of it. Sever merges alone won't be enough, they need to make some hard design decisions and sooner rather than later.
    If as many MCC members state, they joined these clans to play with "friends", give them the opportunity to change company without penalty and remove cross company clan membership. If a member from a company shoots a member from his/her own company without a declared war they lose honour and XP, regardless of whether they fired the first shot or not. Little things can make a big difference when it comes to "game balance" and most importantly for DO game survival and longevity.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2018
    thor714 likes this.
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