Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. Since I play dark orbit I see that the company you choose is just a badge, because if a multi-company clan arrives, someone who belongs to yours may destroy you. I propose, that for there to be more rivalry between factions and that companies have more importance and meaning, that there are no alliances between clans of different companies, only non-aggression pacts. To avoid abuse or strange behaviors, the aggression pact and the alliance disable attacking the user that we have selected (in case you have those two conditions), so we can only attack users who are without clan, or who have war. :) I needed to create an another account to post this in this Forum, i'm colombian XD [​IMG]
  2. _-Brute-_

    _-Brute-_ User

    as i said before a great idea would be during events like hitac and demaner make to where nobody can shoot each other are mine in these maps because if multi company clans are stopped they will still fly with the same people to keep everybody from doing these events but them and these events should be for eveybody
  3. Thinking it better the NAP with the shooting disabled is still an alliance with another name, forgot that. But the alliances must be only between the same faction clans.
    neoonoma likes this.
  4. Sagturius

    Sagturius User

    I am reading several ideas that I like that could be combined.
    1. Free Swap - I think after server merge, this should be done regardless of what is done with MCC. This also brings up a question, what will happen to players who have ships in different companies on two servers that are merged together on one account? It seems to me that the Free Swap is a must after the merge.
    2. Limit MMC clan member numbers. I do not know what the ideal number of members would be. Your team can figure that one out.
    3. End Alliances across companies. As you said this is an easy substitute for the MCC. You can keep the NAP just end Alliances.

    Let me just say that the server merge can't happen soon enough for me. The MCC issue is far less important.
  5. loony

    loony User

    do not let other company send green packs to other company at all or war to
    if you eic you send not send a green pack to vru or mmo
    and events that come out should not be pvp event like the hitech and the deaner event you can not shoot other players if you are shooting on the event its bad when one clan locked down the sever so no one can do anything in the game like the events
  6. hoshigake, It's you who are not making sense with that reply up there. Sorry bud
    The∞Ancient∞One likes this.
  7. I suggest that everyone following this post study how similar games like star conflict and planetside 2 work. Both of those are three faction games. The first option is obviously the best but as I said, it must not end there. End MCAs as well as clan wars and it will be effective. To those who say this will cause pvp to die with there being no one to shoot, that problem will fix itself when more people become UFE and more UFE players help others to get there. It may take awhile but that would be a long term solution in my opinion
  8. I have a idea why dont everyone stop crying about Mcc and just play the game it's a pvp game for a reason everyone who made a comment is just crying about MCC. All that's going to happened if you get rid of them is they all just going to ally up with each other then you going to be in the same situation but worst then before lol cause they going to war you and stalk you even more in the maps. Let people play how they want it's that simple
    ♫Šиĭ₱εЯ♫ likes this.
  9. MCC`s just like old cross company alliances and naps are hardly "Friendship" based its all about how much profit they can turn in. They will make millions of uri keeping people off hitac and demaner and they will continue to do this untill changes are made to the current system.
    Realistically MCC in the game just makes managing the game that much harder and removing them simplifies the system in terms of functionality.

    We all know they will make clans and create alliances or naps to continue what they are doing now. Simply it should not be allowed as it alters the normal functionality of the game.

    1. Remove MCC. With the ability to change company free of charge for a set time.
    2. Penalize company members for assisting destruction of their own company.
    3. Disable cross company alliances and naps. Or penalize clans that abuse this function.

    And the ToS already supports the ability to enforce this.

    Bigpoint reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify and terminate the account of any individual at any time and for any reason including, but not limited to: (a) violation of these Terms of Service; (b) disrupting the play of any Game or acting in an unsportsmanlike manner.
  10. Ok so here's my input: MCC are a clan that work as a join or die organization where the only losers are the ones who don't join the clan. But what will happen if we never get rid of MCC and the majority of players start to belong to the same clan? Who knows, but what I've been reading on the posts above holds a gigantic reality. MCC is just a symptom of a bigger problem. Just think about it.

    >You want to delete MCC because they hog the events and abuse non clan mates, and various abusive behavior
    1. MCC mainly originates because playerbase on servers has decreased exponentially the past years to the point where around 1% of the registered users actually play the game. This made the players from rival factions join forces for a common cause; not play alone. Call it Dark Orbit globalization if you will.

    -How do you think we can counter this?

    The solutions I see above all mix up to the following plan:
    1.- In server merge give the players a weekend to change company with no penalties so they can join their friends which is one of the reasons MCC exist.

    2.- Eliminate MCC and rival company clan alliances to shrink the company killer and general abuse loophole (this will just shrink it, more organized people will just use teamspeak to communicate or a similar communication program to remain organized).

    3.- Make kills from same company penalize the player regardless if he shot the ship first, and increase the penalization like -10% honor and exp. (personally this will affect the palladium maps a lot, as there's an unwritten rule where any palladium killer gets killed regardless of company).

    4.- Server balances out players; 33.3% per company. Either random or slot based - how many slots left per company ex: 832 available slots for mmo which is 33.3% of 2500 total players.

    Even if the DO staff follow these ideas it just adds more flame to a dwindling fire. These are NOT long term solutions!

    -What do you think are long term solutions?

    I've always said that the problem with Dark Orbit is the player retention rate. It's pretty low. In my experience around 8 in 10 new players (the Libertador roaming x-2 maps) say they've already played Dark Orbit in another server, they already know the game. I've rarely seen a completely new player who is giving Dark Orbit a first try. --Why does this happen?--

    Dark Orbit has always been rough on the new players, not to say they have improved tremendously especially now with the starter kit (piranha, lf3's, etc) but it is still not enough, a free player will need around 1100 hours logged until he gets full lf-4, apis, zeus, hercs, etc. Not to mention upgrades! even with double galaxy gate rewards day that's still 1100 hours a player can't defend himself against the ufe with full lf-4 decimating him.

    It's really hard for new players to get hooked because you can't even put up a fight with a fe ship. LF-3, B02 and the rest of the essential equipment shouldn't take less than 20 or 30 hours to get, after that depending on your focus you will be the majority of the game in 5-3 picking up palladium to keep grinding gates in order to get LF-4's, drone designs, etc. So either increase the palladium exchange rate (10:1, 5:1, etc) to build gates quicker, increase gate part drop rate (26%?), triple the rewards on galaxy gates, increase chances or receiving items in galaxy gates (Who will be motivated to waste 12h per kappa gate picking up palladium to receive a kappa booster or nothing at all?), come up with new ideas of obtaining extra energy other than collecting palladium and bonus boxes, or finally invent a new feasible and reliable way of obtaining the ufe equipment to not bore or demotivate new players from quitting the game since nobody likes grinding so long.


    MCC have always been there, they are a problem now because that's what happens when the playerbase shrinks ever so quickly. Before the company clans would keep them in check often destroying "traitors" which kept this abuse at a minimum. The server merge will just give DO staff a little more time to plan this out, but if they don't act quick MCC will run a dictator ship on the game for times to come. And playerbase will keep on decreasing.
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
  11. guys deleting nap / alliances will not help i dont think you get the point. we sit on the same ts and played years together why do you think we shoot each other? this seems very strange to me :confused:
    DeathByCheetos likes this.
  12. This is the way i see it, i am the leader of my clan is Usa West 2, and we have dominated our server as a multicompany clan for over 4 years since we have all been friends for a very long time, and as i see it, taking away multicompany clans will not solve the issue at all,
    If we were to do the strategy of making a period where people can switch companys, everyone would just join the 1 company that has all the players that switched to be in that 1 company, making the game, boring to the extent where no one will have anyone to fight.

    There isnt a true way to remove multicompany, on many aspects VRU shoots MMO and EIC, people can be clanless be in the same teamspeak, and tell someone to kill you off a cube if a same company is leaching, some people even function without clans, adding limitations to the multicompany clans in general wouldnt solve the case at all, as i said before, you can just leave the clan whenever you feel like you can benefit without it, the only way of doing anything is removing companys shooting each other, and that will ruin the game itself, as an experianced leader of a multicompany i can say this, people complain about 1 clan in 1 big server, but anyone can start a clan and if they coordinate well they can contest and even win over the top clan, they just need the sheer will to do it, a top clan only host 50 members, that 1 clan makes allot of enemies and if everyone teams up well enough you can make a allliance to take over the bigger clan. The only reason why the top clans always win events is coordination, all you have to do is assemble a clan and be a good leader, because without a leader your just a bunch of people dieing 1 by 1.

    This is what i had to say on the topic.
    Heres pictures of my clan and myself =)
    neoonoma likes this.
  13. xsafdzcxv

    xsafdzcxv User


    they are crying bcs they play alone and they communicate on chat

  14. dont see me wrong about this, i dont think op talking about 1.3mio point clans, look at my clan

    dont get me wrong but a clan this big on a german low populated server destroys everything, i mean 20 bases, no more pvp possible no t a singel small event (spaceball cc icemeteorieds) or bigger events are playable if you are not in my clan.

    i can understand you all, but if we have a mcc clan dominating or a 1 company clan is no difference.
  15. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    You people need to look at the bigger picture, mcc is not the problem, the problem are the players, you guys notice that at the start, all those mccs clans fought for their respectives companies, and while they fought for their companies(using a lot of ammo for the company, dying for the company, etc) a lot of people from the company just did stand aside and watched them die, or took advantage that while those big clans are defending the company, they could pick spaceball boxes, kill hitac, etc.

    At the end, those big clans end up tired of defending the company alone, they stop caring and protecting a company that gives nothing back to them.( A lot of those people who just took advantage fo the big clans defending the company, had some excuse like: "i have no ammo, im nub, etc"....Well u can fight with x1 ,even if u're a nub u can still fight helps.

    You couldn't force everyone to defend the company, and because of that, a lot of big clans went mcc, you fight and die for ur company, and what u get back is that the rest of the company make profit from events while you fight and die.

    This is something that used to happen a lot in the past: Me and few of my buddies are on spaceball fighting, we are outnumbered, so we retreat and drag the enemies to our gate of 4-4, in our gate of 4-4 there are a lot of ships from our company waiting for the spaceball to arrive, but when they see that we get here fighting ships from other companies, most of them just cloak and leave....WHY THE F*** SHOULD I DEFEND THOSE PEOPLE???

    At the end of the day, you and your clan used a lot of ammo fighting and dying for ur company, got nothing back from the event since you were fighting all the time... While the rest of the people made a lot of profit...Why defend the company??? be smart and play for ur clan and friends, kill everything else, if they leave clan, then mcc is the choice, u can kill everyone if ure mcc.
    meatpill-Warlord likes this.
  16. batata

    batata User

    I would just pick those mccs and fill 3 companies with them in some servers. Afterwards u could eliminate mccs and aliances between diferente companies without the problem of spliting the "buddies".
  17. People who say that getting rid of MCCs Will not fix the problem are partially correct. But I believe everyone needs to understand this from a casual gaming perspective. 90% of people who play online games ARE CASUAL GAMERS. Darkorbit just isn't appealing to those people because of the multi company clans and alliances. Which came first? the chicken or the egg? Did the servers go dead forcing people to have MCCs and MCAs? Or was it MCCs and MCAs that caused that to happen in the first place. The real issue is pvp. Darkorbit needs to not only eliminate MCCs and MCAs but they also need to redefine pvp. Add more maps for ufe players that are challenging for them as well as more pvp maps. When was the last time a new map was added?

    1. Option 1 is a start

    2. in addition to option 1, eliminate MCAs

    3. Give more things for players to do other than kill each other, and redefine pvp so that new players are more likely to play.
  18. MOΨS

    MOΨS User

    To me, the 2 best way to fix the MCC issue would be to either:

    1. Disable MCC, Any sort of diplomacy with a clan that is in another company. Give everyone one or two free company changes ( So people would take time to think about it ), and not a a limited time free change of company, because some people might get back into the game sometime later, and they won't be able to join their friends.
    A nice change for it to go well would be to delete the advanced jump cpu, that pretty much killed the game, and greatly increase the respawn on the same map cooldown. So that company's maps make sense again. People would defend their map, their weaker comrade from the same company, something that doesn't exist anymore. Now there isn't much point to map defence since people can just go where they want instantly, and a big player wouldn't help a little that gets attacked since he is probably allied with the invader.

    Also of course give an honor malus when attacking an allied ship, even when not locking first. ( warning when the player starts shooting, one or two more warning, if the player keeps shooting, he gets the penalty ).

    Doing it like that would be the best way to end the problem without causing issues, however I think the best thing to do would be to set up all of that after the server merge, everyone would have to choose a company again, and clan won't be able to recruit people from an ennemy company.

    2. The other way to do it would be to exclude the "foreign" player that are in a MCC from their actual company. They wouldn't benefit from event's reward if it has to do with the company, and maybe wouldn't be protected by the Non Agression Zone ( they could however be protected in the pirate maps ). Also they would be penalized with a considerable honor gain malus. They would be seen as red from everyone aside their clan.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
  19. I gave this a bit of thought last night and this is my solution. Get rid of MCC and also get rid of the ability to ally with enemy companies, that will eliminate the problem of clans of opposing companies making alliances and still doing what they are doing in MCC, also get rid of the war function to eliminate the problem even more, the part about changing companies, i think you should let 1st company change be free then each time that player wants to change after it increases in uri cost. i know this is not related to the question but get rid of the advanced jump chip and ship warp, it'll open up the battle maps again and make this a company versus company game again and hopefully bring new players in.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  20. put a passive mode for event like hitac or demaner, the idea of these events is to do the most damage to the ship, with this passive mode all can participe and to compete to do the higher damage.
    ЯΛΙĐΞR™ likes this.
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