Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. Gudinden

    Gudinden User

  2. How about we hold MCC's responsible for bullying?
    And every so often a 'popped newb' that has had his ship 'depleted'...Ah um! I mean 'destroyed' can receive an alien drop that freezes the 'bullies' to a cube graveyard map ????? Complete with Inflicted 'newb'.

    Whether the graveyard is set in bully realtime, or simulated (like Kronos has a double of player), remains in DO's hands...
    And the so called 'bullies' are frozen inside cubes which allows the 'newb' to pop evey single bully without risk of popping and receive ship kill, 1 month prem, 5 lf4's and 100k whites.

    I'm trying to solve the problem with 'out of the box' thinking...
    o_O Cheers MCC's! o_O
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
    The∞Ancient∞One likes this.
  3. Hi All,

    Changing companies really isn't the answer. It is like jumping a sinking ship instead of fixing it. I like my company that was assigned to me for none other reason because of the color. I'm here to have fun and not getting into company wars. Some people just want to kill others saying they have killed another player/company person. Thinking I'm a "Big Shot" or "Big Deal" I don't care. I don't know if you get more experience points for killing another player than an alien. Maybe that is a reason. Most people are levels higher than me that attack me or attack when I'm at my weakest. Right after a battle with an alien/s when my hit points are low. So it is a easy kill for them. Then there are the teams of people who hunt others. The "Wolf Pack" as I call them and kill players for their fun. Wow such big players. If you can't kill by yourself and be the MAN/WAMAN why bother. To me your just a wimp. Fighting a player that is the same level one on one and see how you do. For me my 2nd phase of my ship is for PVP because its all f4 lasers or better.

    If you really want to prove yourself as a better player show yourself and let the person know you are there. That way he/she can get ready for a fight. Fight someone on the same level or go to the many places this game has and fight there. R Zone is a big battle ground for players. If you can fight and win there then you can be the MAN/WOMEN. If not you just a low life.


    I have another thought.

    O.D. wants us to kill each other. Going to my "Mission Control" center for a new quest 90% or better of the mission are to kill other players or attack other companies. There is less and less alien mission. Most that are left are on x-4,5 systems. Places I really don't like going because there is too much to fight to get the target your after. It takes hours and days to complete a mission there. Plus there are the other companies sitting and waiting for you. Looking for that moment you are weak to kill. So I don't think D.O. really cares about the others that hunt players or the packs they make. They are here for the money that is in your pocket. Greed runs this game, and I have dropped tons of dollars too to try to improve me so I can survived. It hasn't helped and they get richer. Sometimes I wish I never met this game. I think all the money I have spent here I could have used somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They make a big deal of 400% day for Uridium. I am a sucker and I buy more because I need it. So I drop another 100 or 2 trying to upgrade and buy things I need. It like water going through your fingers. You can't get enough to make it better.

    There is a string on the f4 lasers and it new coast. Money money money.

    Last edited by moderator: Nov 12, 2017
    The∞Ancient∞One likes this.
  4. The game started as 3 SEPARATE companies.
    There used to be self pride and HONOUR belonging to a specific company.
    The game now is ruled by BULLIES that have the " I must be on top and have the biggest gun AND i do not care what it COSTS" attitude.
    These Bullies band together in MCC's.
    Now with the 100 days war implementation the Bullies of one company "GANG" together to give their lazy bully members MORE EASY targets. Absolutely NO HONOUR displayed.
    At the start of the game you choose a COMPANY, of which you know nothing about.
    You seek out those that will help you gain experience and skills. You may not like the company first chosen and decide to move to another.
    Being a newbie this should not cost you. Maybe a newbie should be given 3 FREE chances to try the different companies.
    These FREE chances should stop at say level 10, for example.
    THEN you choose what of the 3 companies YOU are going to be LOYAL too.
    Any further "DEFECTIONS should come at a price.
    This is a 3 company game and should be as such.
    Bring back the pride and honour of flying in what YOU think is the best company.
    .....wait for it.........Now we will hear from the BULLIES...........
    OILDAILY likes this.
  5. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    Perhaps a bit early but I feel like we can come up with a conclusion regarding this issue.

    Ranks will change, even if we don't do anything, so it may not have to be seen as a downside
    Due to the upcoming server merge, ranks will change, but that does not matter since rank points do not change. If we remove MCC, ban alliances between clans of different companies and then allow a 'no-penalty-switch-period' people will have a choice; do you want to be a general in an empty company, or a captain in a full company. I feel like the nature of this will make it so that players will spread out, and even if they don't we can limit the amount of people per company.

    Not removing wars --> event-participation-problem will not be solved

    Let's assume that a clan consist out of 2 people, one MMO and one VRU and you are another MMO player who constantly gets shot by the two. After removing MCC, MCA (Multi Company Alliances), and the 'no-penalty-switch-period' the VRU player switches to MMO. If the 2 MMO players are in a clan and you are to, they can still send you war and nothing changes, you still have the same 2 enemies.

    At the same time, there are chances that the 2 MMO players get more enemies themselves, moreover you can leave your company and team-up with others or remove your own clan.

    So there are a lot of factors which make the outcome unpredictable.

    Removing wars --> unfair and decreases amount of PVP possible

    After the dust has settled, new players will still be able to switch to another company with barely any loss whilst advanced players cannot as they will lose a lot more honor. This may cause new players to move to a company where all the strong players are. As these strong players cannot throw war, or switch they will have significantly less to shoot which will destroy PVP. And even if we do not remove war, if new players just leave their clan, we will still have the same problem.

    The war solution --> Limit the amount of wars
    Limiting the amount of wars that a clan can make with clans of its own company will allow clans to make wars with stronger clans, whilst keeping them from making wars with all clans of their own company. Don't forget to allow clans to end wars that they have sent after a day or so, so that they can switch the clans they want to sent war to.

    In conclusion

    I think that just by looking at these factors, and all factors already mentioned by others it should have become clear that:

    1. There is no 'true solution'
    All the options have downsides and upsides, the task is to find the one with the highest chance of upsides and lowest risk of downsides.

    2. We can't predict the exact outcome of any solution
    Because there are way to many possible outcomes and problems, it is impossible to know beforehand how a solution will exactly work out.

    My advise:

    1. Remove MCC

    2. Remove MCA - the ability to form alliances with clans from other companies

    3. Add a cap to the amount of players per company (optional)

    4. Allow players to switch without a penalty for 1 week (carefully monitor the population to see if action is required)

    5. Set a maximum amount of wars (to prevent players from not being able to attack stronger clans, whilst keeping them from making wars with all clans).

    6. Make it so that you can remove wars sent by your clan after a day or so. This will allows players to switch between clans that they want to have war with.

    7. Alternate solution: remove MCC and MCA. Then remove wars only during events.

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
    ™T_HellDawg™ likes this.
  6. Tomcat2159

    Tomcat2159 User

    my suggestion is this;suspend pvp when the event character is running,ie:hitac, deamanor, this way all levels,clans, companies are able to participate.if the event character originates on the vru map the participants can follow until its death on an opposition map and so on.the pvp aspect is the problem to participation,eliminate it and you give all players the ability to participate in the event creating excitement and participation for all.
    The∞Ancient∞One and MяF™ like this.
    -=MarcVenture=- likes this.
  8. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    I also like this idea. Removes the need to solve the problem forever, just when needed.
    ZÿИΛPS™ likes this.
  9. Might I add...
    A MCC is an OUTFIT on a larger scale...

    I don't know what all the fuss is about?

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
  10. Gnorm

    Gnorm User

    >>> I don't know what all the fuss is about?

    It is more than an outfit... outfits are limited to 8 ships and get no CBS booster benefits.

    Many of the things that bother non-MCC players about MCC's will still happen even if MCC's are abolished.

    To have them happen while the MCC players get all the benefits available to everybody else just rubs salt in the wound.


    I've seen several posts talking about removing diplomacy - that, I think, would be a Bad Idea.

    Cross-company "alliances", I'm on the fence about. But cross-company NAP agreements have some legit reasons to exist. Note that I'm not playing the "my friend is over there" card. (I believe that card is in the "good excuse" category and doesn't hold much water.)

    The first one that comes to mind:
    When several ships in different companies are hunting the same large alien, it makes sense for them to team up and kill it. (The 400 UBK quest is the most obvious of these.) And if one clan has a CBS in that particular map - being an outfit member does not protect from base attacks. NAP does.

    It allows cooperation but doesn't give the CBS benefit to the whole group...only to the clan that owns the base.

    Yet another benefit that MCC clans have that is not available to anyone else via the 'outfit' panel.

    Good hunting,
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
  11. Odin®

    Odin® User

    This post is not about whether you do or don't know what the fuss is all about . It's beyond that. It's about the business practices of "How/Where the Funds are being used to stabilize the interactive community as a whole and still be fun and fair for members . This Thread that @ OP32 started is a deflection of a greater problem.
    We as members of not only this side of the DO forum and that of the DO Discord community but the game itself as well as other communities are spending less and less but the Dark Side to this thinking is that members under the age of of 21 are not only a Commodity they are as well an Exploit. Have you ever wondered who you are actually chatting to even on the ts3 or any VoIP client that is recording a log? OP32 had to create this dialog hoping to gather a reasonable solution for the user base members to assist in a viable "Balance" Between the MCC and Independent users and the Loyal Company Clans Owners hopefully reducing any further loss of member base activity.
    As a Clan Owner myself , ranked 39th on the server I use is one of the servers that is in major conflicts with MCC operating and using exploit techniques that reduce member clientele.
    Merging of the servers has a 2 fold condition and several side diversions . 1 is that DO can reduce the cost of operations in their overhead. The Exploit is to offer to both MMC and Credit users the opportunity for Visual Upgrades ie. ships. So if you have something constructive to convey please do so ZÿИΛPS™
    MCC is a circumvention to the 'Loss of Honor' and the uri cost of switching Companies and to use the excuse that :I am going to be with my Friends . an excuse is an excuse . Time to accept responsibility for making choices.

    Respectfully Submitted Ĩηfámőúś® aka Odin®
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2017
    The∞Ancient∞One likes this.
  12. Multi company clans are killing this game, if not already.
    The∞Ancient∞One likes this.
  13. No. Just surprise us one day, Those of us with too much honor to shrink to their level will be rewarded for our dedication.
    badwon[spt] likes this.
  14. OR. keep the mcc's just take their honor.
  15. I disagree.

    Removing MCC will be bad idea ever i've hear.
  16. Multi-Company Clans could be significant if the way the game operates puts the MCC into a different light.

    If the original company clan-founder initiates a clan war, then all members of the clans involved will have a status change. For example, the two clans in question would have the typical red colouring of the clan tags and also show up as red on the maps. In addition, members of the MCC(s) in other companies would automatically show as red to their clan adversaries. Also, because of the war state, members from either side of the war could start a fight during the war period without a penalty, without regard for what company they are in. Attacking a player that does not show a war status would have the same penalty as currently in use.

    As a new facet of allowing MCC to continue AND force some consideration into any NAP, Alliance and war between clans, companies, and combinations of; Clan tags would also highlight clans that may be Allied with the warring clans are also in a state of war.

    More clan tag colours would be needed to give a visual indication of not just the original 3 states, but of the 'borderline' states that become active.
    Different company, no war or alliance - clan tag and name red and mini map shows red dot
    Same company, no war or alliance - clan tag and name blue and mini map show blue dot
    Same comapny, war - clan tag red, name white - mini map shows purple dot
    Same company, alliance - clan tag and name green - mini map shows green dot
    Same company, NAP - clan tag yellow name blue - mini map shows yellow dot
    Different company, clan war - clan tag and name orange as in mini map
    Different company, clan alliance - clan tag yellow, name red, mini map shows white dot

    If a clan is allied to both of the clans in a war state, the allied clan(s) will also show the war colour status to all other members involved in the war.


    This can get very cumbersome to commit to memory as well as implement into the game without creating more lag.
    Gudinden likes this.
  17. I think right now, players currently in multicompany clans will be temporarily distraught if they are removed but if they are good players they can adapt to the times. we also need more people to help others get strong so I propose significant rewards for those who help weaker members get stronger in addition to eliminating MCCs and MCAs. I also agree with bakjam
  18. @ Odin, I'm not one to delve into the politics or business side of a game. Just interested in the up and coming-changes.
  19. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    I don't want to tell you guys what to do but you really are wasting your effort by responding to this thread. If you want to take action, stop paying, stop playing, don't even login. Then they will decide to actually work on fixing the game problems including the MCCs.
    Gudinden and -=MarcVenture=- like this.
  20. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    mcc's gives money to do(rebate,premium/etc)....if darkorbit removes mcc, they might lose a ton of income.... and who can assure them that there will be new players once the mcc's are gone?

    ...Mcc is not the problem... the players are the problem.
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