Multi-Company Clans - What to do?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by OP32, Nov 7, 2017.

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  1. einstein58

    einstein58 User

    Very true neoonoma.DO really seems to not care as long as they are making $$.I have written to them several time on this topic and gotten basically the same answer every time--"Thats the way it is !" Well I believe that this attitude of DO has contributed to the loss of many players,yet still DO appears not to care.
    Multicompany clans should be abolished totally.Instead they can lean towards alliances with other company clans instead.We have all seen what happens when these MCC's are formed when it comes to events.Many clans and players are not allowed to participate because of these clans and thus the events are worthless to most players.
    True this is a PVP game,but if players can not participate in events they leave the game.
    MCC'S are contributing to the lack of players,lack of participation and new players retention being low.Until such time as DO decides to correct not only this problem,but many others in the game I believe that it will continue to go downhill !!
    oversoulpaul and neoonoma like this.
  2. Yeah but then the individual companies in the MCC's would control their maps, since D O only runs the events when they think MOST people are playing therefore even the joining of a server to play during OFF times is nothing more than a grind as the event is not available for them at their time either. I remember when an event started at 0001 and ended at 2359 and continued to have the main NPC in the maps the entire time, the BIG dogs took over during the night and the other players could have it all day. We even had the protection squads that prevented the attack of the enemies trying to spoil the fun for the Company players. But then this was when we all had a chance to defend ourselves without having to spend hundreds of dollars, or thousands of hours, to accomplish the task. I had a FE equipped Ship in 2 months with the old TRADE system, doing Missions, Boxing, Building the SkyLab, Enjoying the Level Invasion Gates, and getting Company Killers "Popped to a P'nut" by posting their kill of you in company chat. Didn't have to worry about upgrading equipment, jumping into or out of maps in 10 seconds, always had people at the portals reporting what enemy just entered the maps, and where they were.

    YES, we had the bad apples but we outnumbered them and even the BEST in the game had enough sense to know they had just killed you and ignored you the next time unless you were stupid enough to try to attack them again.
    oversoulpaul and Odin® like this.
  3. At the end we have to know if players want to fight for the clan or the company.

    From events like pirate raid, this is only about clan...

    I really think if we want to have a fair fight eic vs mmo vs vru we have to increase "Faction rewards "not like this ,no more boosters... lol
    => so more event but especially for the company ( don't forget clan too...)

    Other idea : Allowed MMC but give a bonus for a unique company clan, (maybe 5% hp , 5% shield, + 7% crédits... )

  4. srbinas

    srbinas User

    Hello together,

    I postet it already in the german board, but want to publish here my idea as well.

    My idea regarding to MCC base to 1st idea from @OP32 with additionals.

    • Each clan is company have to be in one company, MCC will be removed
    • Every player can go to a foreign clan company
      • The player will be grant to the new company with one hour cooldown and don't get any honor decreases (no -50% honor)
    • Shell the player go out of the company, the player go to the "old" company without any honor decreases as well
      • The player grants 30 days of cooldown before going to an another foreign company
      • The player can still go to clans with the same company
    • Pitfall avoidance: If a player still have 30 days of cooldown and is in clan that is the same company and the leader of the clan will change the company, the change can only occur if all players don't have colldowns. The leader of the clan must change the company and can't be changed like the clan members clan-based without honor-decreases.
    • Bonus: Players will receive a special company badge if they are in the clan whose company they have accepted

  5. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    All Bigpoint games have a system that ruins the fun for the majority of people.
    So it's common sense that employees are not at fault for this. It's the Management; the Bigpoint Management. Just look at other bigpoint games and you'll see what I mean. Players are getting too sick of the game problems and their frustration takes over their motivation to stay in the game, which is their friends.
    That of course includes the MCCs so if they suddenly give the clanless and small clans the ability to protect themselves the spenders will leave the game, or at least, be reduced greatly in numbers. The chances for the game to return to how we like it are next to none.
    oversoulpaul and ATEER like this.
  6. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    I don't think they wonder, they just don't care as long as they receive money.
    Odin® likes this.
  7. Why not make any clan who are mcc can only have 15 members in it instead of 50
    -Tyrant-002- likes this.
  8. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Where to begin again :) .. I wish to thank neoonoma and HelpMeHelpYou as well as a few others that are shedding some wisdom and insight in a conversation on the concept "What to Do with MCC membership clans per server and do a "Balancing Act" to keep DO with an income [+]
    The MCC concept was created to become the "Best of the Best" of "Organizations of Players" DO created a "Loop-Hole" whether that individual when they first registered as a user would some day aspire to become the "Best of the Best" and could of know the cost for their ambition as "Fun". In their mind when they were NOOBS testing the waters for their escape from their reality and ignoring "Their Past" have indulged and evolved into Proportional Dictatorships that look cute on paper when Management heads off to Cost Management Seminars.
    Getting back to the subject "What to Do with the MCC" . IMO dismantle it . I own companies and when a sub-company wants more control than me. I would say "You're Fired" ...[ "If as an "Owner" ] of DarkOrbit I would . I am trying to build not destroy. If my current "Team" cannot fulfill their responsibility it is my responsibility to see that the goals and dreams and hopes of all memberships become true.
    As a possible solution I suggest that as a user ["WE"] should have an 'Option Server Login" as to play a PVE environment or a PVP environment upon login. That will give the user a choice that allows a user to develop. for example a PVE environment for beginners . A PVP ,PVE environment for mid-level users and for advanced environments the PVE/PVP/MCC memberships. There are alot of [options] open for discussions for each [Environment]
    As for the current situation for the MCC solution . In order to run/maintain a MCC clan , any member not of that companies registration/ownership shall be penalized the 50% loss of Honor. The creation of the MCC was to circumvent the 3 Company Rule, whether you are in a clan or not. The Abuse of Power/$$$$ ends now . So does the Managerial Concept of procrastination as well the ineptness of the IT/Developers getting paid to bring this game back to the Glory Days .... /Ĩηfámőúś®
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
  9. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    The strong can/will prey on the weak, no matter if there is mcc or not.
    As i said, removing mcc wont fix anything, they can just have a sub-clan on another company, even if they cant send nap/alliance to them, they can comunicate via ts/discord/etc, so they still can get whoever they want dead to die, no matter what company the target belongs to.
    What needs to change is the mindset of some players, but bp cant go that far.
    Odin® likes this.
  10. Odin®

    Odin® User

    re read my post ... k I just edited it ty
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  11. MyBigi

    MyBigi User

    I think that you still don't get what im trying to say...

    Even if they eliminate the mcc clans, the mcc is still here, even if all of the members of X mcc clan, are without clan, they are still together, and wont shoot eachother, they can still comunicate with eachother via ts/discord/etc.

    Example: X named mcc clan is eliminated, mcc clans are no longer allowed.
    1 member of the ex-mcc clan is without clan and killing cubes, u also try to kill cubes, ure the same company as him, 2 minutes
    later, 2 clanless ships(ex-members of X mcc clan) from another company comes here and kill you, and dont let you kill cubes.
    See? Even without mcc clan they can still work together and dominate whatever they want.
    As i said even if u get rid of the mcc clans, it wont really do anything.
  12. Except they wont have the bonus boosters from each other, bases and the cool ships in the same company as you sitting at the port with no player flying them giving them boosters *BUT* you thinking they are not enemies as they are cloaked.
    ATEER and _oversoulpaul_ like this.
  13. Odin®

    Odin® User

    NO Amnesty [Period] .... They , the , user are already in a Company . Let those members of the hosting MCC clan take the HIT and LOSS of Honor . If you want to be an MCC take the hit and see if that works well I've watched users BUY their way back into this game for running Scripts/Botting. I've watched alleged users sell their accounts on other servers and [ROFL] there is a Server Merge. Go figure . Talk about circumventing game rules , folks are working loop-holes in the Legality of the Terms and Conditions Contract. There's a Bigger Picture happening in the background.
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  14. I think the clan members of a MCC clan should never be punished. The clan members have no control who the clan leader accepts into the clan. No matter what or who is in your clan people will always play together no matter what. Just make it so you can not have MCC clans at all and that will resolve one issue and with everything it will make 3 more to fix. No matter what is done there will be some people not happy.
  15. Turn off MCC and put 5k uridium first time change company,next 20k next 100k etc..On end ppl will descide where they want to be.I am against period bcs som ppl not log in every day and can miss that,same like npc for Oil and now noobs have better ship than som whu play 9 years and need more 9 year to make som Oil....
    oversoulpaul and ATEER like this.
  16. The Clan Leader Chosen MCC is not the issue. These clans work together to complete quests in enemy territories, they do not use the clan to attack their own company, this form of MCC has been around forever and never been an issue. The NEW ATTITUDE MCC is the issue, they group up, use the same company member to scout for targets, then have one of the enemy start the attack, so they can join the fight without loss of honor for killing own company player. These scouts used to be SPIES and did not assist with the kill but did find the targets to be attacked and were often sent back to home base by protectors who found they were being a spy.
    Odin® and oversoulpaul like this.
  17. MCC pick on people, they have 5-6 ships of your company and then one of their clan who is in a differant company shoots you, and they all shoot you.get rid of them, they do this on main events, so in effect ruin it for all other players.
    STARSTAR-007, oversoulpaul and ATEER like this.
  18. ATEER

    ATEER User

    Grouping up and playing together is not the same as MCC. So I am up for getttingrid of it.

    Enemies can still spy and do whatever they want. But no MCC please.

    The only other change that we need to do it this:

    If you help to kill your own company player. No matter WAR, or not. You should loose the Honor.

    As you can still keep killing and helping enemies. But there will be a cost.

    That is my solution.

    Odin® and oversoulpaul like this.
  19. ATEER

    ATEER User


    No MCC or Dead DO. For you guys to choose.

    Another thing that could be implemented. Not able to shoot same company players at all.
    So nobody ever gets backstabbed. Or shot off the Cubes or any other NPC by the Same company player.

    How simple is that :)
    oversoulpaul likes this.
  20. ATEER

    ATEER User

    It is a PVP game. So please PVP. But only other company players.
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