Multiple People Playing on Same IP Address

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by «9th»4²°«Ψ», Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. I was wondering my friend has seen me play the game and would love to join in but with his house being a couple miles from any town and no clear view of the southern sky there he can not get Internet by cable or satellite, so his only real option is to come into town and jump online at my house which he has done in the past. I have actually hosted a few online games at my house in the past. Of course there would be no pushing involved or anything like that. Just a couple friends playing a fun game together. I was wondering what is Bigpoint's policy of multiple people playing off the same IP address, especially since my younger brother (who's off at college at the moment) also plays Dark Orbit.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I think you can have multiple people playing from one IP address, however there are issues. Such as if one of you gets a chat ban then to the moderators it will look like you are avoiding a chat ban, since your accounts will all be on the same IP and so they will think you are the same person.
    Then if one of you gets themselves a IP chat ban or a IP account ban then you will all be effected, however IP bans are rarely used now I think.
    Tarron and FaceTheLegend like this.
  3. I'm not really worried about that so much since we're all friendly people and are pretty hard to anger so chat bans won't really be an issue, I'm worried about them see multiple accounts coming from almost the same exact I.P. Address and dropping the hammer on us all. It's happened to us in the past with other games, I won't mention them since that could be considered advertising. Suffice it to say we've lost interest in playing a few different games online because of it and I know we'll all enjoy this game so I don't want it to happen here as well. On that note since I can't find the DO Bible anymore wasn't there something in there saying you could have multiple accounts as long as you weren't using one to further another, in other words, as long as they don't interact.
  4. Yeah you can play 2 accounts on 1 ip because i remember a while back i was at a friends house and there was 3 of us playing at the same time, we didnt come across any problems with chat or anything though?
  5. Tarron

    Tarron User

    when my cousin got divorced he stayed with me for about a year, and we played everyday of that year together with no problem. however, we both did have already established accounts before we started sharing an ip to play together.
    FaceTheLegend likes this.
  6. Then, I'm not sure what the problem is.
  7. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General


    You will find that there will be many players within the game who have partners, friends or family that may play the game as well and thus share the same IP. Providing that there is no dubious activity (i.e pushing) then there should be no issues, however should individual issues arise (for example in the past we have had one family member getting themselves an IP ban, which affected the other family members also), you may find support will ask you to explain your situation.

    However players under the same household with the same IP are not uncommon within the game therefore you shouldn't need to worry about your situation.

    Tarron likes this.
  8. Alright thanks everyone for the information, glad to know I should be save from anything serious, question answered, thread can be closed.
  9. Shifterai

    Shifterai User

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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