My Comprehensive efficient account building guide Updated for 2018

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by ŜPζĐΞЯˆΜΩЛКΞΨˆ{Šλм}, Dec 23, 2016.

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  1. Yes, if you have premium and the 25% Discount (30% Discount in total) you can spin A B G (Alpha/Beta/Gamma) on weekends without loosing Uridium (but not always! Sometimes if you get unlucky you can still loose some, thats why you should have at leave 250k Uri already before starting to build the gates) and sometimes you can even make some +Uri too if you are really lucky.

    No that's not true, Uridium is not doubbled on Weekends!

    NAMIKAZE_NARUTO likes this.
  2. ABY