My Rockets won't launch

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by prtljaga, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. prtljaga

    prtljaga User

    Recently my rockets stopped launching. I've tried everything I could think of but it's still not working. The UBR is part of my config. Any clue of what might be the problem?
  2. Well firstly I would suggest checking if your auto rocket cpu is on. If that is not the problem I would try to unequip it and then put it back again. If it is problem with rocket launcher I would suggest doing the same thing with rocket-launcher cpu. Other problems might be if you didn't put cpu on both configurations or it is due to not having enough rockets (I hope it's not it). If not please report the problem to the support and don't forget to put you UID.
  3. Make sure that the rockets you are using has ammo in it. If it does, click on the rocket type, to make the launcher use it.
    If none of the above works, I have no idea.
  4. Hello prtljaga

    Thank you Dragon_Of_Dark™ & KilerStreak for assisting with this thread.

    Please try to do as mentioned in previous posts, if you still have issues, please do let us know.

    Moving to a more appropriate section for further discussion.

    From: Newbies
    To: General Issues