MY ship is not allowing me to connect to the server

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by niburu, Oct 13, 2023.

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  1. niburu

    niburu User

    The connection is interrupted you cannot connect to the game server i have cleared cache deleted cookies ect....

    I cannot switch hangers im in 1-3 been like this for the last three days i can go to another server with no problem but us west coast my main account will not allow me to log in on the game server
    ♥StarAngel♥ likes this.
  2. Do you have a title if so go to back page and change title it should let you.
  3. niburu

    niburu User

    ok thx ill try that

    ♥StarAngel♥, your the best it work flawlessly thank you so much
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 13, 2023
  4. Your very welcome just remember that if you get a title cause they been having issues with them :)