N.O.V.A. weekend

Discussion in 'Technical Event Issues' started by blaster7012, Feb 9, 2025.

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  1. i have done 2 Delata gatas and there is no 126x N.E.U. Chip drop

  2. not nova weekend thats why :)
  3. Last active nova wknd was 25-26 january. Check calendar when u plan to get some N.E.U. chips.
    Access to the calendar on the front page of this forum
  4. not next week either, maybe week after, i think nova weekends are once a month, i might be wrong
  5. Hmm..(checks calendar) not nova weekend.
    (checks back page) oh just another D O cash grab.
    What was I thinking?
    oops pardon me an opportunity to get nova for those who don't have it.

    close this thread as it is no longer an issue
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 3, 2025
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