Nano Hulk Design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Feb 12, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    The design I'm proposing is such that takes all ore upgraded ammo damage to the equipped ships hull and adds it as a boost to the nano hull.
    It also offers drone invisibility and is available to all ships.

    This design is restricted to home maps only.
    The suggested price would be 2 mill credits.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Hell no.
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Um. No. You want people to get an extra 250k HP just because they put sep onto their lasers/ rockets? No thanks.

    And what is with you and the drone invisibility, it adds nothing to the game.
  4. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Errrm.. My brain is hurting right now. Do you actually think these ideas through?
  5. No, he doesn't. He expects everyone to provide "helpful feedback to improve his deas"
    hellseeker685 and cooljak96 like this.
  6. plaku

    plaku User

    His first words are : the ship im proposing is such .... bla bla bla bla bla chip... bla bla bla
    Suggested price bla bla bla creddits
    and we should reply bla bla bla noo

    VESPID User

    Wow, thank you all for trying.
  8. Full_force

    Full_force User

    No just no.

    This is on topic because it is against the nano hulk design.

    VESPID User

    Without reasons it is just spam.....Right Harley???
    That reminds me.... Hey Harley, you and I have much to discuss considering that weak move of asking questions and closing my post without allowing a retort.

    If you want to question me do so in another way because frankly I am not impressed with that less than honorable tactic you used.

    I expect to hear from YOU soon.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
  10. Full_force

    Full_force User

    My name isn't harley and no any post that is against yours is not spam. Posting something that is not on topic is spam. But we are on topic even if you can't take anything other then a yes.
  11. VESPID

    VESPID User

    If it isn't your name, that message was not for you.
    That doesn't change the point I made.
    Thank you again for trying.
  12. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    He is the moderator and does not have to do anything that you want. His job is to make sure that the forums remain spam free. Your ideas are nothing BUT spam. If you have a problem, you can happily contact support.

    Thank you for trying.


    This is one of the worst ideas i have ever read. Are you seriously suggesting that people who put sep on should get an extra 250k hp? Oh and if you want invisible drones try turning drones off.
  14. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Hi Vespid.
    Firstly we have nothing to discuss. Your idea was clearly not well thought through and contradicted itself at every turn. My questions were to illustrate that point and as such were the rhetorical questions you should be asking yourself BEFORE you post your ideas in the first place. The facts are, I didn't want or need an answer from you hence I closed your dead ended thread without waiting for one.

    You do have the opinion that anyone disagreeing with you is wrong. This has been shown time and again in various threads by you in the Idea section. You cannot take criticism of your ideas and you resort to name calling if anyone dare to try and argue a point, This leads to your threads becoming spam filled flamefests that will be closed or just deleted. If you have a sensible Idea then please by all means post but fill in some of the gaps before you start the thread.

    If you feel that I am being harsh then PLEASE contact support as this part of the post is not open to further discussion.

    Now on topic and in regards to this idea. I have some questions for you and am looking forward to your answers because at the moment there are holes you can fly a goli through.
    How does this work?
    Does a ship with only 1 laser get a smaller boost than one with 15?
    Does it apply to damage caused by lasers on drones?
    Does it give 10% for prometid, 20% for Promerium and 40% for seprom?
    10%, 20% or 40% of what, Base HP, bio'ed HP, Boostered HP? Damage caused? Potential damage caused?
    Does it boost your Nanohull when you fire your weapons or is it a static boost when you select the design?
    Is there a cooldown?
    How long is the cooldown?
    Do you think that the price is right for potentially 250k extra HP when that much Nanohull could cost 30K+ Uridium worth of GG spins?
    Instead of a design would this be better as a chip?
    Would it be a single use chip like a standard cloak or a multiple use chip with a fixed number of uses or a permanent chip that you can turn on and off?
    If this is multiple use should it use another ore to activate it, Xenomit for example? or maybe mines? or maybe x4 ammo? or maybe RSB?
    If it is restricted to home maps does the leonov home map advantage apply?
    If not then why?
    Finally why would you need invisibility for your drones? Is it to disguise the type of drones you have or to disguise the formation you may be using?
    If your ore boost runs out do you automatically lose the boost or does it remain until it is destroyed by being attacked.

    As I said above Vespid, I look forward to reading your answers.

    Unstoppable likes this.
  15. plaku

    plaku User

    Harley i feel your pressure not to intimidate this guy , but he clearly just wants to create useless ideas.
    In one of the previous posts he made ,i asked about all the holes in his ideas and just how impossible it is to be applied in real terms.
    Still i got no reply instead he just made another idea*
    The thing is if u have a good idea u stick to it u take the feedback and improve it not just make countless of ideas one after the other with no relations to each other
    and expect from us to fill the in the gaps or accept, while he does another thread with another idea* and so on and so on.....
    Doesn't make any sense to me... I hope that this guy really thinks through what is proposing and not to take it personally
  16. I'm pretty sure you guys are missing the point he's trying to make. Here is what I see VESPID proposing. So you're in your ship flying around your home maps popping strueners or lardakias or saimons and a big mean UFE dude uncloaks and shoots you. If he is shooting naked lasers, lasers that are not boosted with any available resource you take damage as normal. If however that UFE pilot has sep, promi or that other rock boosting his lasers then the design kicks in and instead of you taking damage, the damage somehow turns into nano hull for your ship.

    This idea is clearly not in the spirit of the game. But VESPIDs ideas rarely are, instead they look like they're intended to allow him to escape certain death at the hands of his betters, or to allow him to cheaply combat pilots who put in all the required effort, time and or money to make a good ship.

    Edit; As to invisible drones it's quite simple really. VESPID only has his Iris's and in an effort to steer players away from his weak looking Spearhead he wants to hide his drones so any potential attacker would be doubtful as to his drones and formations thereby making that attacker choose a different player without this design as he'll know the kill would be achieved.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
  17. plaku

    plaku User

    Wow you understand him better then he understand himself ,nevertheless the idea still wouldnt work ...
  18. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Thank you for these points plaku and -Tom_Sawyer-. I appreciate your input but in this case I am waiting for an answer from Vespid. He has accused me of not giving him a chance to answer my questions. Now I would like to see his answers.

    I want to see him continuing to post ideas but I would like to see more well thought out ideas that will benefit the whole playerbase and not just newbies or half elites or UFE only. Anything that boosts firepower more than we have now can be open to abuse from the WW and UFE. I dont think Vespid appreciates that trying to make boosts just for credit ships will not help newbies as a UFE Nostromo will eat half elite golis for breakfast in the right pilots hands :eek: and would qualify for all the boosts that he has suggested. Overpowered.... just a little o_O

    Please Vespid. Dont take this personally and please give me some answers.
    Unstoppable likes this.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    @ Harley, It will take more than rhetorical questions useless comments and closed threads to curb my resolve.
    Here are the answers you seek from me.

    It is constantly active without cool down.
    There are no boosts.
    It applies to all damage that is ore upgraded.
    No %'s, full nano boost from damage.
    It boosts the nano hull based on damage received by Ore upgraded ammo.
    No activation or cooldown, yes it is static.
    I could make it Uri but isn't the credit price more than comparable as it is???
    A design takes up no room in extras, I'll consider it if more extras become available.
    Neither single use or multi charged chips fit this ideas coverage, however if forced to choose I'll leave it to D.O.'s authorities to decide.
    Activation should be automatic in the lower maps, in the uppers I would suggest xenomit since most other items listed as an activation element may not be available for reasons that fit the type of pilot employing this tech. What good is this tech if the activation element is something that either the pilot uses frequently or has no otherwise tactical want or need to stockpile at all???
    Yes it can be used By Leo's since it has nothing at all to do with it's damage dealing abilities.
    I consider this tech a counter ambush design, the drone invisibility makes the ship look weaker than it is and the hidden designs and number of drones further add to the tactical advantages of the ship employing this tech.
    My ore would have nothing to do with my version of this idea but the enemies ore running out would allow natural damage to occur to the ship from what ever item is damaging the ship un boosted with ore.

    To the rest of you, stay on topic.
    Thank you for trying.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
  20. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    So a UFE buys this. They put it on their ship, and start flying around in their home maps, doing quests. They don't care about spending the money because they have millions, if not billions of credits. They fly around in their UFE goli with their drones invisible. An enemy comes up and finds a goli flying around and tries to pop it. All of a sudden, they start getting hit by 75k and their damage hasn't done anything at all.

    Now we go to uppers, in which you state "in the uppers, I would suggest xenomit". A same exact situation. Many UFE players have TONS of xenomit. This would benefit the WW's more than anyone.
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