New Assembly: Disassemble Feature FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by Oddessey, Jan 30, 2020.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    General information:

    With this update, it’s possible to disassemble existing items in the assembly. There are a couple of conditions that need to be met:
    • Only upgraded items (at least level 2) can be disassembled
    • If an item is in upgrade process, it cannot be disassembled
    • If an item is equipped in a ship, it cannot be disassembled
    You can find the new “Disassembly” tab in the Assembly:

    According to the upgrade level of the item, you’ll get back a certain amount of resources that have been invested into the upgrading process.

    If you’ll get back any ABR and with the disassemble process the maximum amount of 3,000 ABR will be exceeded, a warning message appears because the amount of ABR that is exceeding the maximum amount will be lost! You can then decide whether you want to proceed or not.

    The Disassemble process will remove the item from your inventory and from the list of items in the assembly. The items that you’ll get back will be booked immediately after you’ll press the “Collect” button.

    Disassembly Overview:


    When introducing this update, the following items can be disassembled: Shield Generators, Lasers, and Rocket Launchers.

    Fusion Shield I
    Fusion Shield II
    Fusion Shield III
    SG3N-A01 Shield
    SG3N-A02 Shield
    SG3N-B00 Shield
    SG3N-B01 Shield
    SG3N-B02 Shield
    SG3N-B03 Shield
    Laser LF-1
    Laser LF-2
    Laser LF-3
    Laser LF-4
    Laser LF-4 Hyperplasmoid
    Laser LF-4 Magmadrill
    Laser LF-4 Paritydrill
    Unstable LF-4 Laser
    Prometheus Laser
    Spectral Laser I
    Spectral Laser II
    Scatter Laser I
    Scatter Laser II
    Scatter Laser III
    Hellstorm Launcher 1
    Hellstorm Launcher 2
    TermiteFan likes this.
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