New Assembly & Upgrading System FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by Oessian, Oct 8, 2019.

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  1. Oessian

    Oessian Community Team Team Darkorbit


    General Information:

    With this update, the Tech Factory as well as the Upgrading System will be moved from the main game page to the Game client (aka Space map). This update is therefore a complete overhaul of the existing features, “Tech Center” and “Item Upgrading”. Before the update, both features were located under the Upgrades tab on the main game page:
    GI DO.jpg

    As previously mentioned, these two features will be found on the space map from this update onwards.

    You can find all the regular Assembly items there, however there are some new additions. Some of the shield generators have been relocated from the shop to the Assembly, as well as two brand new shield generators, SG3N-B00 and SG3N-B03

    The Apis and Zeus drones have also been relocated as well and are now obtained by crafting them in Assembly.

    With this update the method of upgrading your equipment has changed slightly, such as allowing the player to skip the upgrade time if they wish to do so. The balancing for upgrading items, as well as the items themselves has also had some changes.

    Assembly DO.jpg


    Building Techs:

    The previous limit of being able to build a maximum of 3 types of techs has been removed. You can find the list of available techs by using the filter in the Assembly window. There is no limit on how many techs you can own.

    There are two different recipes to choose for each tech, one needs resources, the other one needs Uridium. It takes 5 seconds to build them, therefore the old “Instant finish” option has been removed.

    Category Name
    Requires Build Time
    Energy Leech
    1,000,000 Credits
    [FONT=Arial][SIZE=5] 500 Seprom[/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial][SIZE=5] 5 Log disks[/SIZE][/FONT]
    5 sec
    TechEnergy Leech
    6,500 Uridium 5 sec
    TechChain Pulse
    500,000 Credits
    [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=5] 200 Seprom [/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=5] 1 Log disk[/SIZE][/FONT]
    5 sec
    TechChain Pulse
    1,800 Uridium 5 sec
    TechPrecision Targeter 1 20,000 Credits 5 sec
    TechPrecision Targeter 1 250 Uridium 5 sec
    TechBackup Shield 1
    500,000 Credits
    [SIZE=5] 250 Seprom[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=5] 2 Log Disks[/SIZE]
    5 sec
    TechBackup Shield 1 2,800 Uridium 5 sec
    TechBattle Repair Bot 1
    500,000 Credits
    [SIZE=5] 250 Seprom[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=5] 2 Log disks[/SIZE]
    5 sec
    TechBattle Repair Bot 1 2,800 Uridium 5 sec

    Building Apis and Zeus Drones:

    When choosing the filter “Drones” in the Assembly, you’ll find the blueprints for crafting the drone parts for the Apis and Zeus Drones in the Assembly. You can still collect the Drone parts from the Pirate Chests like before but in addition to this, you can also craft the parts in the Assembly system with their own recipes.

    The possibility to instant purchase an Apis or Zeus has been removed. You can only own 1 Drone of this kind at a time! If you try to built it and you already have the Drone, you’ll get the parts back.

    Category Name Amount Requires Build Time
    DroneApis Drone 1 45 Apis Parts 5 sec
    DroneZeus Drone 1 45 Zeus Parts 5 sec
    DroneApis Drone Part 1 24,000 Uridium 5 sec
    DroneZeus Drone Part 1 33,000 Uridium 5 sec
    Upgrading Items:

    The existing Upgrade system now moved to the Assembly and can be found when choosing the tab “Upgrade” in the Assembly.

    The good news is that there aren’t any upgrade fails anymore. Instead, upgrading items will take longer than they did previously.

    There are 2 new resources associated with upgrading items:

    The Axion Beam Regulator (ABR) is a component that will be needed in some items when upgrading them.

    The Isochronate will allow you to accelerate the upgrading process.

    In the new upgrading system, it is possible to conduct multiple upgrade levels at once, you can even bring an item from level 1 to 16 in a single upgrade if you wish to do so.

    All upgradable items are shown in the Assembly. The items with dashed boxes are the ones that you equipped in your ship. When clicking on an item, you see below the costs of the upgrade and the effects that the upgrade is adding to the item. Please note: While the CBS modules are in use, they cannot be upgraded.

    In the upper left corner, you can choose a filter for your inventory. Bottom right you can use the counter (with minus and plus) to choose the upgrade level. Below you can see the timer of the upgrading process. Just click on “Build” to start the progress.

    do upg.jpg

    New item: Isochronate (I-Chron)

    To speed up the upgrading process, you can skip the time of the upgrade with the help of a new item that is called “Isochronate“ (I-Chron). This item speeds up the upgrade progress. You can craft it when choosing Assembly / Extras.

    Isochronate is a synthetic hyperpolymer capable of accelerating the speed of item upgrades

    do new item.png

    Category Name Amount RequiresBuild Time
    Extra Isochronate 1 100 UCB-1005 sec

    New rare resource: Axion Beam Regulator (ABR)

    This new resource is needed for upgrading a lot of items. It can be earned on several occasions in the game.

    Axion Beam Regulator (ABR) can be obtained via Daily Login Bonus and in certain Galaxy gates or events.

    DO Reso.jpg
    • There’s a maximum limit implemented for ABR which is 3,000 at the moment.
    • If a player exceeds this limit, a warning message pops up in the game.

    Shield Generators:

    Two new recipes for Shield Generators are added to the Assembly: SG3N-B03 and SG3N-B01.

    SG3N-B00: 9,000 shield strength / 70% less damage
    SG3N-B03: 11,450 shield strength / 80% less damage

    Existing shield generators can no longer be purchased in the Shope and will be moved to the assembly.

    Category Name Amount Requires Built Time
    Generators SG3N-B00 1
    2 Plasmide
    [SIZE=4][I][SIZE=4][I]1 H-NCA[/I][/SIZE][/I][/SIZE][SIZE=4][I][SIZE=4][I] [/I][/SIZE][/I][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][I][SIZE=4][I]1 H-HFC[/I][/SIZE][/I][/SIZE]
    5 sec
    Generators SG3N-B01 1
    1 H-PS
    [I] 20 Shism Crystals[/I]
    5 sec
    Generators SG3N-B02
    1 H-NCO
    [I]50 Shism Crystals[/I]
    5 sec
    Generators SG3N-B03
    2 H-MT
    2 H-HP

    [I][SIZE=4][I]1,800 Chromin[/I][/SIZE][/I][I][SIZE=4][I] [/I][/SIZE][/I]
    [I][SIZE=4][I]5,000 Rinusk[/I][/SIZE][/I]
    5 sec

    Balancing changes:

    The new Assembly & Upgrading System also comes with some balancing changes. All lasers now have 0,5% damage increase per level (before it was 0,4% for Uridium lasers and 0,2% for credit lasers).

    The following items have changed:

    Laser BeforeAfter
    LF-1 40 PVP Damage 65 PVP Damage
    MP-1 60 PvP Damage 70 PvP Damage
    SLL-01 80 PvP and 125 PvE Damage 85 PvP and 130 PvE Damage
    SLL-02 90 PvP and 145 PvE Damage 90 PvP and 165 PvE Damage
    SL-01 105 + 37 every 5 sec PvP Damage 125 + 38 every 5 sec PvP Damage
    LF-2 100 PvP Damage 140 PvP Damage
    SLL-03 130 PvP and 175 PvE Damage 140 PvP and 185 PvE
    SL-02 120 + 75 every 5 sec PvP Damage 142 + 75 every 5 sec PvP Damage
    LF-3 150 PvP Damage 180 PvP Damage
    LF-4 MD and LF-4 PD212230
    LF-4 HP212225
    B014,000 Shield Strength 9,500 Shield Strength

    Additional Information:

    When the new update is live, all existing crafting processes and upgrades in progress will be deleted.

    Therefore, there will be a warning within the game a few days ahead to inform all players about this and that no new crafting and upgrade processes should be started!

    IMPORTANT: The lost items and progress won’t be given back!

    Nevertheless, we’re doing a compensation for everybody because it can always happen that some players are losing something. There will be the following login bonus for every player when logging in for the first time after the update:

    - 1x Zeus Part
    - 1x Apis Part
    - 2x Battle Repair Bot
    - 2x Backup Shield
    - 2x Chain Pulse
    - 2x Precision Targeter
    - 2x Energy Leech
    - 8 ABR

    Thank you All.

    Your DarkOrbit Support Team
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 23, 2019