New Auction Feedback

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Oracle, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Hello all...
    As I was in the tes server, I would like to give my feedback on the new auction.You can post of what you believe about it here too.First of all, I'd like to say I love the new design for it.It matches perfectly with the new era of D.O.Also I like that you could see the max bid and you have a page where you keep track of your bids.Anoher cool feature is that if you get outbidded an message arrives and you get your credits back immidiately.I also like the Daily/Weekly bids.One thing I dont like is that there is not LF-4 neither on daily nor weekly bids.For those who didnt see the new auction, I will make a list of thinks that are on it: Lets begin!
    Hourly Bids:
    • All normal stuff that we have now
    Daily Bids:
    • Aegis
    • Citadel
    • Spearhead
    • Aegis/Citadel/Spearhead Veteran
    • Aegis/Citadel/Spearhead Elite
    • All Battlestation Modules(Including Hull/Deflector!!)
    Weekly Bids:
    • Lightning design
    • Solace Design
    • Spectrum Design
    • Sentiel Design
    • Diminisher Design
    • Venom Design
    I am really sad for not seeing Lf4 in daily bids and formations too, but I think that this update is one of the beste ever made.I will focus on getting my Aegis Veteran first.
    For all those who say this is unfair because you bought the ships and u are frustrated.Calm down, It is an update mostly for Noobs.Without noobs we dont have a game.
    Thank you for reading...


  2. Glad they did not put lf4s in it as it would make to many people have lf4s so they would need to introduce and lf5. As far as formations it is a shame they couldnt put at least a few in there.
  3. for me its +1
    i like it
    its a good move by dark orbit
  4. 27 and 30 separate auctions for pet gear and protocols so i can see why that's not in it. Formations should probs be there and maybe a pack of booty key's, and a better pack of log disks like 10.

    But anyway it's good i like it:)
  5. Despite liking the layout and such, i'm merely disappointed with what it has. We were told, all uridium items would be there, which aren't ( just some). Except, that its seems an decent update.
    chixonator likes this.
  6. I would also like to see the cool down booster in the new auction.
    This has been out awhile and needs to be thrown in there too.
  7. Oracle

    Oracle User

    I have made a video. Hope ou like it :p


  8. only map that loads at all is 1-2...
  9. I like the new auction, the only thing I don't like though is that everyone can see the highest bid. It's terrible and makes it easy for people to ask their clan leader for the credits they need to get the highest.
  10. u r wrong
    good players bet at last seconds
    also they bet cleaver .... wait the proper time = win with average amount of credits
  11. With auction page lag, you'd have to get lucky to manage to do the last seconds bids. lol. That is, if they haven't sorted the auction lag out.

    Also, they need to remove the abbility of seeing what the highest bidder, has bidded. It's stupid.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  12. I like it. But the ability to see current bids needs to go..That's just pure idiotic.

  13. indeed its not always possible to bet on last second always
    thats why i bet at 15 secs before end ;)
    that works ALWAYS
  14. restart the server..
  15. I like it and i am indeed glad theres no lf4 because people would be getting way too strong, but other than that i am happy about the improvements!!
  16. Hmm, the ability to see everyone's bid was a main complaint we all had about 6 months or so ago. It was a 3rd party program used to cheat and see others bids.


    Peace :cool:
  17. im not happy with oit for2 main reasons 1: you can see the highest bid 2: i think agesis and other elite ships like it should be in weekly

    SS_HELIOS User

    I thought I was going to like this update but without formations and pet gear/protocols Im not sure about it. Once again darkorbit didn't execute their plans like they could have.
  19. Me likey
    Stop being lazy and work for your stuff, if DarkOrbit had to put those stuff in they won't make money, the auction is nice but the ability to see people bids is stupid. The LF-4s and chance items shouldn't be there too, cause if there were there the noobs who just started playing won't get a sniff of those stuff, every UFE will outbid them.

    Auction is nice, just take away the ability to see ones bid. Good job DarkOrbit! Keep up the good work.
    hellseeker685 likes this.
  20. Personally putting all those ships up in trade has just cheapened
    the game for me, now there's nothing special about any of them.

    + the majority of people that owns these ships actually
    paid real money for them (uri or bootys etc)

    so what ..
    Those people that have spent money in the past to get these ships
    do they get vouchers or uri to go towards the next new wave of ships that are comming out ? .. probably not .. bit of a slap in the face if u ask me!

    Silly concept with the bidding too!

    I Guarantee this will happen.
    All the top clans will put there clan tax up to 5%
    and will be bidding on all the best stuff for all there hangers + noob acc's
    this will go on for months, the average player wont even get a look in

    (loads off acc's in the top 200 that have had multiple owners + billions of credits)

    (half of the reason that i play is for the sense of achievement,
    what with the new EP amounts + these ships going in trade,

    that sense of achievement has been taken away)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2014