New Auctions feedback thread

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Juturna, Feb 20, 2014.

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  1. I'll be honest my USA West ship was basic FE within a weeks time, i farmed 3-3 in a leo and got my iris as i went and built skylab, it's also not hard to get into a clan for assistance on said skylab, and if noobs took advice they'd get things done quicker, a lot of them just give up right away cause they aren't trying hard enough and don't bother to take advice. Iris bids on west go from 10-20mil+ sometimes, same with lf3/bo2 you start off with prem so you get plenty of credits from skylab if you can build it quick enough. And yes, if you set times and jump on right away to keep at it, the skylab can be a quick build, not fully but enough to work.
    WiccaDio likes this.
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    the new ( well not so new lol ) action is terrible :(
    I remember the good old days of dark orbit when you could save up some credit for a couple of week and win all 8 booster. I would often win all 8 booster back then, some for 1 credit because all thought I had bid high on all of them with an average cost of just 20mill credit for all 8 on a gd day :) so could with all 8 or most 3 hrs in a row. :D
  3. completer

    completer User

    You must like to make people laugh all day, haha. What I should've said is that the game is out of wack along with what I said and meant it more about an auction not really being an auction. If it's just a give away which makes the game have less integrity and unbalances the feel of the game, it won't let people see enough of the form of the game to develop in the sense that the darkorbit team members would like people to get and they created for them. I know they didn't just recreate a lot of the credit vehicles in vain to mean nothing like you may be thinking a bit and not saying which might make you feel like those almost free leonov, goli, and veng in auction are deserved, but this is a game which is meant to have all around balance to it. All around balance isn't having an auction that allows for people to bid under 300k for a ship and ruining the development and learning balance of the game that they need to get and then allowing ignorance of non use of those credit ships that could be used.

    We now have a daily auction. Those ships would be right for that, instead, and would put integrity and experience back in the sense that was meant for dark orbit. Anybody that thinks something should be just a give away which is better than the game being free is disservicing the game and just want to game the game system.

    And, instead of trying to diss in a section like this, how about you go above ignorance and message or chat in game to find out information you don't know about a player because just going on the low here doesn't give what you want to say more credit. It more makes it not listened to for the strength you think it's suppose to be.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  4. Your grammar is terrible and confused me at some parts here....
  5. i like the new auction... just saying
    TheDarkNight™(VRU) likes this.
  6. WiccaDio

    WiccaDio User

    This. Times infinity.

    Making the auction real time would make it so much more competitive, you see it update instantaneously and bid that second, that way you aren't waiting 45 seconds to have someone bid over you on the 46th second and make your current bid irrelevant and you have to wait another hour or day or week knowing full well you could've won that.

    That is super frustrating.
  7. The auction has lag yessy


    auction need to go top of hour or half past the hour done deal;)
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