[TEI] New Client Flash requirements

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Mitridius141, Sep 12, 2020.

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  1. So I have the new client. It wont fullscreen with F11 or the hotkey ingame, the flowers dont display in new client, and all but hotkey 1 is nonworking. It displays that I need to enable interactive flash to allow for this to happen. I have set flash to allow anything by DO and it still wont fullscreen or allow me to use hotkeys 2-0, or display the flowers for me to collect. How do you suggest I fix this issue? Also, how can I collect the flowers in a client that doesnt display them? I have tried everything that came to mind, including uninstall and reinstall of flash, firefox, chrome, DO client, and flash player to no avail.
  2. It could get worse in December when Adobe discontinue Flash . Mine has stopped working already on my iMac.
  3. Been running new client since day one.
    Those flowers do appear, but, please note they were nerfed as far as how fast they would appear. The flowers are collectable.
    Upper right corner of the browser are three icons. Dash for minimize, double-page symbol for enlarge, and the 'X' to exit.
    F11 also does full screen. While in a base, the mouse wheel allows the zoom in or zoom out.

    If all the browsers, including the BETA download, are showing the same fault like condition, check the PC setup to see if the functions keys are/were disabled by another program and not re-enabled.