New drone design?!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by «XION4», Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. «XION4»

    «XION4» User


    This is new drone design?! Photomontage?!:eek:
  2. dasti555

    dasti555 User

    LOL I hope no. :/
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User


    That err looks interesting ...
  4. Green Drone Design's and 2 New drone formations? Great just what we need... (sarcasm) :confused:
    Oracle likes this.
  5. you made the vid didn't you? lol
    Okapi32 likes this.
  6. EIC? Blue drones? VRU will love this drone feature, if it comes in green..
  7. @Okapi32 even on the spanish forum they are talking about your video XD
  8. If we were to get a new design, I'd guess it would be... oh wait.. I don't see it happening. And those drone formations were the ones DO thought of bringing out instead they brought out bat.
  9. all of it looks fake 2 me 2 parts on the video it where his mouse pointer clicks for chat its well blow it and on the mini map he clicks bottom right to go top right in x1 map and all the stuff on the video is everything in the code that has not bin brought out yet

    and on a side note hurcs used to be green be4 they was blue
  10. hercs were never green, they were always blue, however, when drones were off you saw green lines instead of blue when you have full herc.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    That is an aspect ratio problem with two different sized screens; the recording program thinks you are using one screen when you are using a different one instead, nothing to do with post capture-editing.
  12. DatDino

    DatDino User

    Look up, it says gullible on the ceiling
    chixonator likes this.
  13. Lol I had to explain that to GA1 players
  14. Omega

    Omega User

    I'm not talking about only this .I know that's fake u can tell even when u switch configs ,I've seen it on you tube when u uploaded it,but I was mostly referring to the drone formation , they are always gonna come up with something . they are .from what I heard coming up with new drone formations I don't know how true that is .I'm still going through to find out if anything new is being implemented . not drone designs.I mean hopefully not ,
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The two formations seen in that video have been around in the code since drone formations were first created, they just never came out.

    Equally every single drone formation has co-ordinates for 12 drones, that doesn't actually mean 12 drones are going to come out :p


    this is very nice we are full we need more updates
  17. DatDino

    DatDino User

    Don't you read anyone elses comments above?

    It's fake -.-
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  18. New ability designs?
  19. Oh man, didn't realize this. EIC has the colors. Where is MMO and VRU color advantages?


    even though I don't believe in 'color advantage'... ever heard about havocs?
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