New Equipment Hanger Interface

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ŘЇИĞŞ∆Φ₣∆ŜΛŦцЯЙ, Dec 13, 2013.

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  1. Okay so everybody knows how when you click on your hanger tab it shows your ship that's in your hanger spinning in a circle and you can click your drones/pet tab and see the same thing. Then in the equipment page where you can equip all your things it has a picture of your ship in a 2 DIMENSIONAL form. Same when you hit your drone/pet tabs.

    What if they updated the equipment page so you could see your ship in 2D (For example a Goliath Battlecruiser) then see your drones in 2D form right behind your ship (or in front depending on your drone formation). So you could tamper with all your equipment while you visualize it. Change drone formations, ship designs, drone designs, ETC...

    I think it'd be a nice little tweak :) And you could tell which drones you're putting designs on for the OCD people like me that need them equal x3
    Uber_Nemesis likes this.
  2. Its a nice idea but i think that its nice the way that it is at the moment :p
  3. This would be nice, but I don't see happening soon. Either way +1 from me.
  4. I'm fine with this idea. No new suggestions I can offer.
  5. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    that is a good idea :)
  6. Not a bad idea
  7. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    i like that :)
  8. Thanks for the feedback! Here's kinda what I was thinking visually. (These are just whipped up ideas)