New forum Ranks

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Oracle, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. Oracle

    Oracle User

    I would like to know what the new forum Ranks are.Because from the time that the forum was changed, there was not any forum rank FAQ.And whats the difference beetween trophy points and ranks, and how they are associated.


  2. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Earning Trophy points increase your ranking on the forum. Likewise earning warnings (infractions) decreases your ranking. In the old forum your post count was all important and in this one it is less so.

    Does this answer?
  3. Oracle

    Oracle User

    So you mean that my forum tittle is dependent on trophy points??And how do I earn trophy points?By getting likes or by posting more?


  4. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Post count is one, earning likes will also earn you points. So be helpful and people will like your posts ;)
    Earning infractions will remove trophy points so be nice and follow the rules ;) and hopefully the forum will be a happier place :)

  5. Oracle

    Oracle User

    I would like to know all the possible titles that a player can get in this forum( Admins/Mods are exceptions).Then You may close


  6. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

  7. Oracle

    Oracle User

    A lot of them HAve the same points.What happens then?
  8. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    1st rank 0 pts, 2nd rank +10 3rd +30 4th +30 5th +30 ext

    The table shows the number of points you need to progress to the next rank once you have earned the one before, so for example to become a Junior Expert you would need to earn 10+30+30+30+30+30=160 points

    Is this any clearer?
  9. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Thank you u may close :)


  10. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

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