new map for uber golis

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MIИIMΛŁMΛИ, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. hello everyone. how about a map with new aliens much stronger than on normal maps and only for player's from level 21?
    ANgry.mN likes this.
  2. Alphabet

    Alphabet User

    How about? ehmm no.
  3. Daedalus

    Daedalus User

    How about 4-5... there are uber aliens there. Ever been there?
  4. =JUPITER=

    =JUPITER= User

    why not!!
  5. Nah....
  6. yeah good idea i like it. past lvl 17 higher lvls dont let you in any new maps it would be nice is they had new maps just lvl 21 and above it gives UFE a brake from noobs and it gives people after lvl 17 something to aim for. good idea i like it
  7. Give UFE's a break from noobs? It's more like, give the Noobs a break from UFE's.Lol noobs are what keep the UFE's kill count up!
  8. I know people who are level 21 and not UFE, and i know people level 17 who are UFE, so stating that level 21 your UFE is false, Also UFE's having their own map is just silly at the least, 4-5 is meant for UFE players, thats why their are Uber aliens there....
  9. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I know, there should be a map in which the harder you hit the less reward you get.

    The idea that a map should be restricted to lvl21 just show a total lack of understanding of why the game is dying.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  10. i love how every one who dislikes this idea is below lvl 21 =]. maybe they could change the map to lvl 18 or 19 then =p
  11. I have a level 22 ship, so your statement is incorrect.
  12. I am level 21 and I don't like this idea.

    We do not need any more maps because the current ones are empty enough as it is. Can hardly find anyone around at the moment, so adding more maps will just make that worse.

    This counts for any idea of new maps, until we finally get some new players in.
  13. -1 From me, don't like this idea.
  14. lvl21 here and I would love to have a new map wher I can farm uri faster, its too difficult to farm cubes when theres 10 people trying to solo cubes in the same map I think they should make an icy map for level20+ and for all company and at level 23 1more map with mroe icy but will have 4 super icys aswell in the map just like cube map
  15. There's a reason as to why Icys only come on during events. So I don't think they would implement a map full of ICUs for certain levels only, seeing as it would be unfair. Oh and they pay too much .
  16. they need somthing better then a map with 4 cubes shared by 30 ppl
  17. Then more cubes on the maps....or quicker cube respawning rate, perhaps?
  18. which is wat i said on another post decrease spawn to 1minit and add at least 2 more cubes

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Just because your level 21+ doesn't mean your Ufe first of all lol, secondly this is a terrible idea but the game does need new maps.