new map for uber golis

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MIИIMΛŁMΛИ, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. ok then .not from level 21 but soon as your goli is full elite you can enter that map how about that?
    БарБосс likes this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Some UFE's don't fly Goliath's, also how would the system know who's Ufe and who isn't, what is Ufe to you? This idea is still bad regardless to how you answer. This would just be a map with impossible aliens with super rewards? That would get Ufe's out of the noobs hair until they're bored and go hunt with the millions of Uridium they've earned. It just seems like an overpowered idea to make Ufe's stronger and noobs weaker.