New multifunctional ship.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ, Jan 12, 2014.

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  1. So we have Goli- damage dealer, Vengi- the easy hunting ship, Leo- newbie defense, Aegis-the engineer, Citadel-the last line of defense, Spearhead- the scout....We are missing one.

    The Demolitions ship. So here is my idea on another tactical addition to DO.

    "Decimator" Demolition ship

    200,000 HP
    4 laser slots
    370 base speed 12 generator slots

    ship abilities: mine salvage-Allows the player to pick up 5 enemy mines within 30 seconds....cooldown 1 minute 25 seconds.

    Anti cloaking burst-uncloaks nearby enemy and does not uncloak ships in group.cooldown 1 minute.

    Demolition blast- Releases an explosive blast that deals 45% direct dmg to targets instantly(uses 5 ddms to fire). cooldown 1

    minute 50 seconds.

    2 extra slots
    1 rocket launcher slot.

    VESPID User

    Aw sweet!!!
    Does that demo blast work in concert with the rocket launcher?
    Will or can it offer splash damage if it is working in concert with the rocket launcher?
    Very cool concept.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    This isn't terrible, the Demolition blast is a little overpowered and 4 laser slots seems low but its alright, I do think the game needs things but more ships really doesn't seem necessary to me.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  4. It takes the 5 ddms to get the 45% which is lower than what it would be if I added 20% more for each mine which would be 100% dmg lol.But thanks for checking it out.I have many more ideas for DO to play with ;D
  5. Seems like a possible idea~ why not...
  6. Qwsazxcde1

    Qwsazxcde1 User

    Great idea, +1
  7. chixonator

    chixonator User

    great idea ;D
  8. Its very interesting idea.
    I would like to see this kind of ship in Dark Orbit. ;)
    Though it might have little too low amount of laser slots.
  9. ANgry.mN

    ANgry.mN User

    Great idea :D
  10. Very tactical and well thought idea. This would be very useful in defending the CBS or, destroying one. Good one.:)
  11. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Sounds fair... Not to overpowerd...
  12. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Sounds nice not overpowered.
  13. As some have said, maybe too few lasers. Perhaps 5-7 would be better, but I like the ship and the abilities. I'd fly this ship with a friend just to drop a demolition blast and watch the enemy get mothed away :D +1
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  14. I dropped 1 laser less than spear since its same speed as spear but has 200k base 100k more hp and 1 less laser....not bad rite?
  15. I'd say, make it slower and have a few more lasers since it is a demolitions ship, not a scout, but eh...your idea.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  16. I have had your idea in mind, since i first readed it.
    But this is problem.
    (Ability that gives more than ~33,5% damage straight to hull.)
    It is bad, because with only group of 3 ship, could kill instantly anyone.

    I would suggest, that this ability could use only AMC-1 mines

    And there could be additional ability, witch could drain enemy's shields, using SAB-M01 mines

    (These abilities should be linked each other with dual cooldown.)

    Though this ship could have also ability to throw one or perhaps even two mines
    slightly onward at the time, witch would make DD-M01 useful also :)

    What do you think about that?

    And btw, you forgot to mention
    Spearhead - the scout. :p
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  17. What do you think about adding a passive 20% reduction in the cooldown of mines, as well as the ability to remote detonate mines?
  18. Cool idea. Make it happen!
  19. +1 from me

    i would like to see some ships in game
    will add variety to DO
    and also make cytadel more usefull than now
  20. SauronL

    SauronL User

    it will be faster than "scout ship" , no from me
    [=The-Juggernaut=] likes this.