Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by AVIT, Jan 17, 2025.

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  1. AVIT

    AVIT User

    I propose that everytime a player changes there name it will cost them uri ,this will help all genuine players not trying to hide there identity from others in the game ,, everyone would know he is a bot ,or used to bot or has bad attitude etc . you only have to look at the infamous stats to see how many of this goes on . THIS would create a huge income for the development of the game ! if they carried on changing there name .Obviously if it stopped the name changes it would make it so obvious who was is a cheat on the game!Almost as good as labelling them ive been banned before etc . interested how you think ?
  2. I fully support the idea. Everything will become clear and it will become clear which pilots are suspicious and potentially threatening. And the game will gain a lot..
  3. As is stated all the time.
    DO will not move on this ever. The top users on my server have *DOUBLE* the amount of rank than the next 10 in the list. How blind can you be to not see a player in the #1 SPOT who started in 2022 and has almost total hours in the year played? 3 pages of name changes in that time.
    No he is a highly skilled account with so much more time to play than we do. You know like work, eating and sleeping. /s

    Then you can look at how many times the email associated has changed. Odd isnt it?

    The staff and owners dont care. You will not see season chats or information/updates.