New Premium Perk

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Jan 14, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    Hey, you guys keep saying that elite ships deserve perks. Well I'm saying that elite payers should get better perks.
    How bad can it possibly get, free players gotta put up with the crap balance you guys keep defending.
    I'm sure they will either join or watch.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yet you think only credit ships should be allowed to use rsb, interesting.
  3. You are the forum troll. This shouldn't be implemented. Premium pack has tons of advantages. If they're not buying it right now, that's fine. BP doesn't need the money anyway.

    VESPID User

    Ok so you are trying to convince me that a business like D.O. will overlook ANY money making possibility???
    Even with those advantages, premium is in a decline.
    No I am the trolls troll.....You are so much smarter than this.
  5. My opinion is that BP doesn't need the money. And we all hope they don't have people with ideas like yours on the dev team, because this game might be ruined by now if all off your ideas were implemented. (ships running around with 50% evasive maneuvers able to warp into whatever they wanted to...pnuts with 15 lasers and generators using aegis abilities...ect)
    May I ask how premium is declining?

    VESPID User

    Less people are investing in it and more people are leaving the game, I'm sure you have seen the life post to bring in more players.
    Hopefully this idea will be more incentive than that one.
    I don't expect all my ideas to make it but one or two would be nice.
  7. So people left the game because they couldn't get premium is what you're saying? And if premium is worth it even more, you think more people will buy, and that in turn will bring more back to the game:rolleyes:
    I just think the premium pack is fine without this idea. That's why I'm against it.

    VESPID User

    No, people left the game for several reasons that premium simply didn't address.
    What I am saying is that adding this to the premium pack may bring back some of the players and certainly encourage more players to getting it.

    It has been said that the dev team is trying to close the gap between noob and UFE.
    This idea would assist that goal and truly assist the premium pack for any that want or need it.

    The option to deactivate it will be present for you guys to turn it off for whatever reasons you choose to represent
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    This idea doesn't help anyone on the road to Ufe, it just combines some of your crappy idea's with some new and still terrible one's, premium sells fine I'm sure and offers plenty of benefits and there are certainly better ways to help new players.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2014
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    How about,
    The premium pack is lacking, there are many emptying servers that prove your statements wrong and my ideas "including this one" have been with the assisting spirit for noobs and beyond even with restrictions that too many have seen fit to stop at all costs....REMOVED
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 22, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Premium wouldn't help noobs, I don't know where you get that picture, this would do the opposite since wallet warriors who stay stocked on premium purchase this and have more room for cargo and make more credits and bids go through the roof, then they hunt more and destroy those noobs you think your helping.

    This isn't a way to help noobs but help the WW's. Your other idea's are to overpowered and and either aren't needed, completely pointless, overpowered, or they wouldn't help anyone except Ufe's on becoming more powerful.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2014
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I'm actually an Egg McMuffin Combo kinda guy, this idea is to assist the Premium Pack owning pilots both current and more importantly future be they noob or not.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I don't think they need assistance, the premium offers plenty of perks and this would just help kill the game slowly and painfully.
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    What you think doesn't always apply to anyone else.
    I'm sure most premium pack pilots will enjoy it but any that don't can always deactivate what they dislike.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I know what I think doesn't apply to anyone else, how does this help anyone in the game besides WW's and why is this needed, it would imbalance the game.
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Between the pnut and the goli, this game has been unbalanced from the start.
    Balance would have been this idea offered as a chip, design or Perk in the very beginning.

    A large measure of balance is offered with this idea for Premium Pack pilots. All other attempts to bring balance have been opposed.
    Spare me the cry for balance, this idea IS balance.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    How does this balance anything, it widens the gap between Ufe WW's and average players and Fe's, the Pnut is a crappy ship and was made as a starting point for noobs, you get better ships and advance, it's no fun if every ship has the same stats now is it? I don't know why you think it would be.
  18. No, it is NOT balance. A Peanut is FREE, a Goli costs 80,000 URI. There is a reason the 80k uri ship has more than the free ship. What you propose scraps that and makes a free ship equal to something that a lot of players pay cash for. That is not balance, that is idiocy. Most people I speak to who have stopped buying Premium have done so in reaction to BP bringing out outlandish and costly upgrades, which is what this idea would become if the developers were ever short sighted enough to release it.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    @BOSS~ADAM: Raising ship stats closes the gap since most ships have less than 15 slots and they still will with this idea since it offers 12, the option to deactivate it is there for the bored ones.

    @-Tom_Sawyer-: With premium they both repair free, they can pay cash for this idea too. Well obviously the premium pack wasn't enough to hold them with the current perks, wait till they get a load if this
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Giving crappy ships more slots won't help anyone but WW's who want to troll with smaller ships.
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