New repair bot update + New Uppers

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mocklaceo444, Dec 6, 2013.

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  1. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    You would have thought with such a major change in game play, that it would have been tested in the test server before it was introduced.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    For a while after the update ships could repair in the radiation zone so long as they were not shooting, that's why Unstoppable put that it made radiation useless, it's since been fixed though.
  3. I have really enjoyed this new update, the fact that you can now repair while flying is brilliant. Maybe Bigpoint is just moving in the right direction, frequent game updates, smoother and faster game play and players like us expanding on many more Idea's that can be implemented.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    This update actually makes the game slower not faster since people take longer to kill. If you think a game becomes faster paced with people running away then yeah I guess it could be faster for you ...

    Also if you go into preferences:

    Click "Show people's signatures with their messages", that way you can see your own signature without putting it in your post and having it showing up twice :)
  5. Thanks I did that now.
  6. I sort of like the idea but i think there should be a longer timer for the repair bot after you have been shot at but its helpful for when you are in Gates!
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Maybe the same time to wait as how long it takes for the pet combo-repair gear to kick in. Nobody really has too many complaints about that being a game-breaking issue.
  8. Yeh i like the sound of the time it takes the pet combo repair gear to work!
  9. i agree the fact you stop shooting and instantly start to gain hp is horrible
    this also kind of defeat the point of having a battle rep bot as you can simple emp cloak and run off repairing
  10. Use Goliath ship better now, never scare running out of HP. EMP instant repair you HP.
  11. *Death*

    *Death* User

    please change it back 2 thumbs down from me
  12. I think that they should only have in for NPC's and not in PvP because otherwise it will just destroy it by people running off and then repairing.
  13. Lol yeah, I like it in gates, but during pvp, it ruins it.
  14. Yeh i did a beta gate today and it most definitely saved me many times :p
  15. Find it a ussefull update for new players, now they can do their gates a lot easier.
    But on the other side in battles it's so ****** up.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  16. Yeh I agree that it's good for new players in gates but also mind your Language please in forums it's not allowed in game so not allowed in forums
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  17. take the word out of your quote, you will get in trouble too for quoted it, and knowing the rules.
  18. Yep just did

    Also the repair bot is the same for everyone so technically it would make it fair for everyone because if everyone has it then there is no real advantage in the game.
  19. Not in multi battles, or if someone is being hit by an npc. There are a lot of down sides to this.
  20. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    It significantly benefits premium players compared to free players as they have double rep speed.

    It will significantly help groups especial groups of veng as one can fly away while the others keep shooting the enemy.

    So players using a goli to farming npc to progress, will be at a significant disadvantage against veng hunting parties.