New Ship Plus: Hammerclaw Plus and Hecate Plus Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Oddessey, Aug 3, 2022.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please provide your feedback here for the New Ship Plus: Hammerclaw Plus and Hecate Plus.

    Your DarkOrbit Team
    (Reminder, this is not the place for off-topic posts. This thread is reserved for feedback regarding this event.)
    TermiteFan likes this.
  2. Well I can tell the Hammerclaw Plus will be seen in groups, especially the ones that have ships following then....

    And the Hecate? Man, I really wanted this ship to be something, I love its design, but the main skill is still trash, every main ship outruns it, whats it good for, the Citadel+? Goodluck with that, its broken, still waiting on a nerf. Then you give it the Zephyr ability? Yeah, that'll make it good. Way to ruin that one DO.
    `Djurkz` likes this.
  3. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    I don`t have to trade my standard Hammerclaw, it has a complete better module...
  4. So the Hecate plus has the same ability as the zephyr but its only half the extended range? so instead of an extra 100 range on the zeph its only 50 on the hecate? is this correct?
  5. Texas

    Texas User

    What's the point of the Hammerclaw+ modules if you can't equip 4?
    (Can only equip 3 modules.)
  6. Sgt~Ocker

    Sgt~Ocker User

    Damn, post removed for copy/pasting the truth.

    NB; I didn't post a link to an external site, I copied pasted ship information from another site (information I couldn't find on these forums)- Which btw is far more informative and easier to navigate than the "official" site.
    Neither of which changes the fact - Hecate+ in its current form is not worth crafting. Hammerclaw+ is most useful to those who use trains to further break the one aspect of DO (pvp) that used to be available to solo, small group players.
  7. What? You can get all 4 types, unstable modules are the main modules in the game.
  8. chixonator

    chixonator User

    Buff hammerclaw + ;) increase the rep amounts, reduce cooldowns, give it 2 more laser slots and gen slots :cool:
  9. Uh no, it's already an issue at current position.
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.
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