New Unity PvE Server Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Oct 18, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the New Unity PvE server. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. instead of making all the servers currently existing on Unity, they want us to migrate to 1 server and start all over. You all gotta be kidding, I'm going to just quit . I don't foresee many wanting to start over on a PvE server, y'all tripping, it shows that y'all don't ever listen to the players. Even when we wait for 10 years you still screw us over. bye bye bigpoint, forever this time.
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  3. Experience DarkOrbit as never before on our brand-new Ganymede - Global 2 Unity server! Take flight and start a new DarkOrbit adventure from the very beginning. Reborn in the powerful Unity engine – our latest iteration will give you a smoother, faster and more stable experience!

    like many of the existing players i've invested too much time (since 2009) and money to want to be 'Reborn'. thanks for the offer but if that is the only alternative then its bye bye DO and back to single person shoot 'em ups (i always enjoyed trying to look round the corners :) )

  4. khanto123

    khanto123 User

    After the initial playtest and when purchase bugs and reward bugs are fixed please release a PVP server for the real players, as well as give us at least a 24 hour announcement for those who quit the game but are interested in starting over and don't check the news that often.

    I'm ready to P2W if that's an incentive to have Stellar Pathfinder and Helix Blitz sales ;)
  5. bring existing players accounts to the new server with everything theyve been working on for the past few years or lose the majority of your player base.
  6. Azarameus

    Azarameus User

    So after all these years waiting for a better client than the obsolete flash one we are supposed to start afresh with a new account on unity?
    No thanks. Either transfer the accounts I've been playing to that client or it's goodbye from me.
  7. NaTuOx

    NaTuOx User

    Well! why PVE? Did we really need this? It would have been better if they had launched a PVP server. Not only do we have to start over the game to play with the Unity version, but now the server is PVE, which further reduces the player count. It would have been acceptable if it started as PVE for the first two weeks, then later switched to PVP.
    Also, the game is literally in a half-finished state. It’s full of bugs and shortcomings; some things work, some don’t. The game runs more stably, but when you refine resources, the game freezes for 1-2 seconds. The sound isn’t great either—if you hear more than two laser effects, the sound gets distorted, incomplete, and it’s very annoying.
    I was really curious about this new Unity client, but this has been a huge disappointment so far. I thought it would also solve the fight against cheaters, but unfortunately, they’re already visible. It’s just a matter of weeks before this server belongs to them too.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  8. Im all for pve but if i have to start over im not going to. Having spent money to be forced to start over rubs me the wrong way. I dont think theres many that will want to throw away years of work just to play on a new client.
  9. All I got to say is this game is running the worse it has ever been for me since the server has started so many bot's on other servers my account disconnect during battles lag game freezes and game won't run have to do multiple restarts clear cache it's a big bag of crap.
    I am so done with BP and their garbage they call a client!!
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  10. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    East Europe server...
    PvE server...
    nahh, I'll pass.

    Also pretty scummy to have payment as a mission task. Grubby right out of the gate
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  11. No way am I paying all over after working and playing using my time and efforts to get the in game items.

    Someone in the management group needs to actually play the game and read feedback.

    This is *NOT* Diablo or Warhammer or any other season type game. Its extremely expensive and if you play as intended very time consuming. Just the pirate missions make me say goodbye. Never ever doing them again. Much less the other high count missions.

    You should be able to migrate user data over and set them in. Even if rank restarts at 0 our items and ships paid for should move over.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  12. Buiscuit

    Buiscuit User

    do any of the staff play, if so they have no idea of how to make the game better. you may as well keep the one you have and let the botters control it.............
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  13. sorry to say i and many other honest players feel the same ,you promised a client which worked you promised us so many things and many of us have played for years and spent litterally thosands in game to get this far .im plsed u have found a smoothe and playable unity server but to restart everythink again no way ..transfer our existing ships over ill deffo carry on but to start again to be told no more bots i just dont trust your words anymore sorry were the 1s who maDEthe promises transfer ship over if its smotthe as you say and plays well i will happily spend money but on my existing ship which i have had for 12 years deffo not on a new 1 thats just wrong ...

    im really disapointed 12 years of been honest working hard and spending money and you want me to restart im actually gutted and unless u can put my hard work here ill be quiiting :(
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 20, 2024 at 9:12 PM
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  14. Hmm, decided to read what is already here before putting my thoughts. I don't have many issues with the Unity client but will list them first.

    1. Unity Client does not remember the size you played in last, neither at ship selection, nor inside after you select the ship you wish to use.
      • Example, from the login, whether first time or not, the screen is full screen and there is no changing it until you are in map. When logging off, either to just stop playing or change ship, it is back to full screen.
      • Inside map, it is full screen and a default layout for windows inside. If you play with this layout, fine but I, and assume most, don't. If you need to resize the client, do that first, then arrange the windows inside. After that, you have to position the tool bars.
    2. An installation for the Unity client needs to be created, like any other program, including the flash client. Short of that, I had no problem pinning the game program file to the start menu and the task bar. I realize that may be advanced for a lot of player but can be done with a right click.
    3. Ship, or rather hanger change, should be possible in game when at company ports, and Company and Pirate Bases. Logging out each time gives us the issue in my first point way too much.

    All other things I see are something that support tickets should focus on.

    Last, just a comment. Not sure why everyone thought the new Unity server would be the only one. The post by Deter (years ago) stated that the servers which are existing would be changing to Unity. I have not seen anything that says something different, so we will have our same servers on Unity in the future. Glad we can see what it is about before it is applied on the servers we have been on for years.
  15. So far, this is what I’ve experienced after a few days of playing. I haven’t explored everything in the game yet, but I believe this is a great start to help guide DarkOrbit in the right direction. I hope this feedback is helpful for all of us!

    Cheers: M€gat®øñ

    Bugs/Feedback - DarkOrbit Unity
    • Jump gates do not make the spool sound.
    • Music stops abruptly when jumping through a gate.
    • Unable to send resources from the ship to the Skylab.
    • The auction house rarely works correctly. Sometimes refreshing causes complete blocks, and I can't fix it. After some time, it resets—this may take an hour or more, sometimes less.
    • When too many players are shooting at an alien simultaneously, the sound gets distorted or disappears
    • Rocket sounds are inconsistent—sometimes weird, sometimes not playing at all. Occasionally, the sound is either too loud or too quiet.
    • When shooting aliens or Saturn NPCs alone, the game cannot handle the sound of lasers, rockets, pets, etc. It becomes distorted,or doesn’t play at all which is very strange.
    • Occasionally, when I start shooting on any map (not specific to a single map; happens galaxy-wide), I see my own laser attacks appear across the map, even though the correct lasers are also firing from my ship. This seems to be a visual bug.
    • The Hellfire rocket launcher makes no sound when the rockets leave or hit their target. There's sound when the rockets launch into space, but nothing during impact.
    • Saturn ships sometimes use EMP, getting stuck in one spot and becoming bugged. You can shoot them, but they regain health so quickly that they can't be killed, and they won't attack during this period. This happens a lot with Saturn Diminishers.
    • Messages from the auction house arrive very late—sometimes too late to respond.
    • Chat resets frequently when I’m in a group, deleting all messages. I have to manually reselect and reset it for it to work again.
    • There is no death sound—no explosion or screen shaking. I always liked the explosion death screen.
    • Occasionally, my game behaves oddly, and I can’t select anything from the ammo menu, like rockets, laser ammo, mines, etc. I can’t drag them onto the hotbar either. This is very strange, and I don’t know what triggers it. This issue seems linked to the auction house problem—when the auction house works, the hotbar functions normally.

    Feedback (Non-Gameplay Related):
    • When starting the Unity launcher, the resolution is very low. I understand it's a copy from the site, but this should be updated to a modern, high-resolution login screen.
    • After logging in, I like the new way of entering the game. However, it would be better to have a "START" button rather than clicking on the ship, so players don’t accidentally start the game before they're ready.
    • Clicking the "RANK" button on the login screen launches the game and then shows the rank system. It would make more sense for this to be a pop-up inside the login screen, allowing players to check their stats before entering the game. It feels odd to have a button that launches both the game and the ranking system. Either remove it or make it more engaging outside the game launch. This applies to the "Profile" button on the left as well.
    • The "Power" button on the login screen logs you out but doesn't completely exit the game. It would be nice to have a hologram option to either log out or exit the game entirely, giving players the choice to switch accounts or quit.
    • An "EVENT" tab before entering the game could be useful, showing the day's events so players can prepare right away.

    Gameplay Feedback:
    • While stationary, the ship and drones move beautifully, but when you fly away, the movement becomes static and doesn’t reflect the ship's movement while hovering. This also happens during fights—anything other than stationary floating feels off.
    • There are many buttons in the game today for events, pets, galaxy gates, ranking, ship, profile, Skylab, etc. Perhaps adding a submenu feature where players can group all these under one button—similar to the quick menu for attacks—would help declutter the screen and improve the experience. Players could adjust the number of submenus to prioritize important versus less important items.
    • A voice channel for in-game groups would be nice. Instant communication with teammates would be more convenient, especially for players who don’t want to use Discord.
    • The current "pay-to-progress" system is too extreme. It’s alarming how quickly some players become top-tier in just a few days. This imbalance could be a problem for bringing more players back to the game. I have ideas on how to address this, but I’ll share them later if you're interested.

    Visual Feedback:
    • The maps and activities on them look fine, but the ships, drones, pets, players, aliens, space stations, etc., look dated and awkward. It would be nice to see a visual update, including HD textures for lasers and other elements, to improve the game's overall feel.
    • It would be great to have a resolution option so players can choose their preferred game resolution.
    • Explosions when killing a ship could use some improvements, perhaps with debris that floats and then fades away.
    I hope to see my old account on the new unity as off the above comment!

    Cheers to everyone who is giving constructive feedback!
  16. Damn a lot of you guys don't get what it is. They need testers for unity, test server was ultra dead after just few days. They need people to test this thing before whole game moves to unity and while nobody forces anyone to play there and start over, if no one will do it then I don't really see unity client being finished any time soon, or worse, game will move on to unity client that will be unfinished.

    In my personal opinion they should add another server on unity where people get to transfer their account of choice as it is now and when testing will be over they will be given option to transfer their progress back.
  17. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    They didn't say they need testers for this. They announced it as a new client and server with literal payment tasks, so cut the nonsense.
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  18. AVIT

    AVIT User

    Update to my other post which i deleted..,,
    My initial problems stemmed from my anti virus sofware ,it was quarantining 3 files ,,at first i had only noticed 1 file which i then allowed . next windows defender didnt like it also had to allow there also .

    Next problem - the folder it was installing to was c user /downloads blah blah.. i altered path so it was saved in just user . once i had done that i could then create application shortcut to taskbar as per norm .

    Next problem-- On opening the login screen my user/pass was not transferred to it and as it open in full screen i couldnt copy/paste it (i need to do that as it contains special characters.) luckily after having big fit and screaming coz it was beer o clock sunday .i noticed the links terms/conditions etc opened in browser so i could then copy/paste .
    so all good and you can save your credentials via remember me button.

    Next problem --- as i use a large moniter ,in my case a smart tv .it has a high resolution i get this (same thing on the do client )[​IMG]
    As you can see pretty much unplayable cannot see the stuff.

    So what you have to do next is rightclick on the aplication and selct properties and then compatabilty .. change high dpi settings [​IMG]

    those work for me ,there are 3 options system wortks best for me on this unity .. on the do client enhanced system works better.

    you may also have to mess with your pc display settings also to get it better fitted .but that alsao adjusts your normal pc usage display
    Ive noiw got it to look something like how i want ,but minor adjustmenbts are needed to fine tune it . still need the toolbars abit bigger but i can do that later .


    I havnt actually played it so cant comment on other stuff like gameplay .

    BUT opening up in fullscreen is daft so fix that so its not full screen at launcher,so people can then copy/paste there name .
    give options for display resolutions as its a graft having to do all ive descriped everytime you install this game if you ever need to reset/repair your pc for what ever reason.
    I would have thought all this would have been done when it was being tested!

    Other than that it looks good aprt from all the funtion buttons on the playing screen ,i dont know why you are obsessed with placing them there they are just clutter and get in the way of the playing area !!.
    other than that it looks good
  19. AVIT

    AVIT User

    NOW about servers ,,we need clarification from the Team ,is unity going to be applied to all servers eventually or just this one ?
    if it is going to be used for all servers ,ie the one i have spent err i dont know 14 yrs on ,ikm not gonna be wasting any time on this 1 new unity server .. i will wait till it comes to mine ..however i need to know NOW pleasd . i guess eveyone does .
    Need to know from an authoritative source .not guys on forum second guessing.
    SO some one please post a thread about that .
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  20. test020

    test020 User

    you obviously haven't read the main focus of open beta testing for you to be saying that.

    transfer data only happens during server merge else it always ask for you to start over.

    payment tasks are the third out of the 7-day three-missions thingy.
    i still haven't gotten my forerunner title they said they were going to give out for open beta testing though :(

    for a pve server the team is adding alot of events to get people to break their pve protection, as if they hated the whole idea but know if they let a group of people "dominate" a server it ends up killing it and the cancer spreads to other servers :rolleyes:

    the event missions are fine-ish but level 25? you could have tweaked the leveling missions from open beta then and increase the mission limit to allow you to pick two event missions and whatnot, the good part in ganymede is that it downed some servers populations for now, US2 still dead as ever with the billions of mexican named robot-like players popping up once the curcubitors spawn but hey you can get irises for a pittance :D

    oh and bugs can still be reported to support like unity beta? DO discord is just a terrible place but then again discord itself is awful as it's whole premise so it's par for the course i guess.
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.