New Unity PvE Server Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Oct 18, 2024.

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  1. Look, I have no respect for this company or this game and the execution of this server is horrible (wth were they thinking with adding payment AND mission for payment lmao!!! or maybe it just shows you how they see their players and how these players act), but it's clear that this is one of the goals.

    First unity test server was completely dead within days, they probably think they can bait some free testers like that, without using words "test" or "beta".

    Again, no respect to darkorbit or bigpoint, horrible execution and communication but it really stinks of "pls test, previous test server had no testers so we will try like this"
    2053, ☺chris☻[CHG] and Mikineos like this.
  2. AVIT

    AVIT User

    wow so my post was deleted almost instantly ,so people dont know the truth ,this says alot about people running the game and those sites . also for dumbass peeps as its a separate download they can be botting both clients at the moment . chat banned from global , they deleted post from their discord . they've deleted my previous posts here , i expect this to be deleted although i have not posted any details as is on this reply except they deleted the others lol .
  3. evansnow

    evansnow User

    log in screen just flickers can't put in user name or password so not getting in :(
  4. test020

    test020 User

    after checking in with a friend about this unity server, honestly, it's not good.
    the bug where assembly items vanish after a jump gate persist, you can craft as much rocket accuracy boosts, battle repair bots, heck, even chain impulse... all of it will vanish if you jump a gate.
    boosters having their display broken is another thing that persisted since unity test.
    premium status doesn't work until you relog, similar to code redeem page.
    new dawn event is just awful as when i checked with my friend he was on day 7 instead of day 1.
    extra level quests are missing o_O

    depends on what you say though, try coming up something without cursing even if it is criticism and don't make up stuff?
    i have noticed the robots flying around in the unity server when i was checking out with my friend, not even a month? :rolleyes:
    also turning on both agatus and the curcubitors made the maps a mess, curcubitors are very annoying with that chasing bomb skill and the mines dropped around affect pets too so it's just awful all around.
    Seraphim likes this.
  5. AVIT

    AVIT User

    unity has buggered up our normal logins anyway excuse the french).they should have not released it as saying finished ,it obviously isnt after playing it when i cant login on normal server . im would not have downloaded it i had known they gonna force people to play it . and it dont work . its only been out for little over a week! and guys have base modules ,full irises and drones .. they have either botted that or could have bought the equipment ,but to buy things is crazy at the moment not knowing what is going on with the rest of servers .
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.
  6. i/we must be wrong about them forcing players to be 'reborn' on the unity server(s) because otherwise why would they still be encouraging players to buy things with real money. only a bunch of evil moneygrabbing sobs would cheat the players
    .-señor_dark11-. likes this.
  7. spot on, steve
  8. 2053

    2053 User

    There better be compensation ,people spent tons on unity already , die constantly with full hp or close too ,lose connection every few mins random ,could be in gate or fighting or doing upgrades and it just disconnects you, purchases from tech delete if you die or jump or even just randomly lmao SAVE your money you'd feel better if you straight flushed it in the toilet ,
    Now lets see what they do to compensate the weekend spending and loses due to server (10 GG SPINS AND 10 ANGRY EMOTES LMAO)
  9. ElMeiser

    ElMeiser User

    There are several things that need to be addressed:
    1: The UI elements are scaled properly as shown in the image, but the text scaling is inconsistent at 1440p (and im assuming its even worse on 4k), in the user and ship tab, as well as drone lettering, titles, and usernames under the ship, the text scales correctly but the chat and the log are borderline unreadable.
    2: The group is bugged, where pinging works, but the pathing button to send your ship to the last location of another group member does not (or is inconsistent). Additionally, after being in a group for a few minutes, it will just randomly close the group tab under chat, either rendering it invisible or actually closed. Finally, upon leaving a group, theres a chance that in order to show you that you actually left the group, you need to relog, otherwise it just shows you as still in the group (you are not), and it shows the members at their last hp/shield they were at and/or their enemy they were attacking.
    3: Random small ghost lasers will sometimes appear, and vanish just as fast
    4: On logging in, and entering the game, it will not remember where the Log window was last placed, defaulting it to where the chat location in the screenshot is, this is a minor issue, but annoying when it remembers the last position of the other UI elements on logout.
    5: As noted in one of my last bug reports in the technical issue tab, the gpu usage on the login screen is unnecessary, unless the game is being rendered behind the login screen (which makes no sense). The login screen assets should be mostly static, why my 2080 ti is being slammed is beyond me.

  10. Is anyone even testing 2D. 2D is in a tragic state, I absolutely despise 3D, it's in my opinion ugly and I can't get used to it at all as og 2007 player.
  11. Ryzen 7 Rtx 3060 twin 12gb , was going to upgrades to 4070 but I don't see the point Servers is still laggy , cant respawn on spot or port its bugged, app still crashing after few mins of intense game play,(killing cube and prots ) this cant click under own ship 80% of the time no idea why, makes picking boxes and booty or cargo brain damaging
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2024
  12. Trying to download the unity server, getting the following when clicking on the link....

    This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
    "); vertical-align: bottom; height: 10px;"><Error>
    <Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
    [External Link Removed (not permitted)]</RecommendDoc>

    Guess I wont be downloading it then....
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2024
  13. omega_lul

    omega_lul User

    1- Sometimes cargo boxes, materials (scrap, mucosum etc.) are uncollectible. (Nothing happens when you try to collect them)

    2- Also sometimes you CAN collect these boxes but if you are too close to them, you need to go far away a bit and then be able to collect it which is annoying tbh.

    3- If you happen to be in a group and you leave the group. The group windows still show you that you are in the group.

    4- Hangar equipment switch or ship change can stuck in loading... screen animation that you have to close and open again.
  14. I have played for over 75 hours on unity rn and so far im enjoying it bigtime with a very awesome group of people!

    But i have a couple of main isseus that are sometimes gamebreaking for me and takes the complete fun out of it on that moment.

    * not be able to send sep to the skylab, it's so frustrating, i want to spend my bio points.

    * Everytime i build a galaxy gate and i have build between 1 and 2 gates the game becomes extremely laggy and i need to restart in order to refresh the cache or whatever it is? it causes so much lagg that if i continue to play my game crashes. this also happens when i have collected to many cargo containers ingame but mostly inside the galaxy gates.

    * Random connection isseus on critical moments esppecially in Eternal gate.. i do not play Eternal untill this is fixed because i want to reach level 600 but with this problem it's not even a possibillity...

    * random crashes or super lagg inside X-BL and 5-2 maps.. it's unplayable, we wanted to do timed quests on BL maps but because of the lagg we could not achieve victory on those missions.

    * Quest Timer is not working, i can't see how much time i have left before the quest failes.

    * Actionbar can't be locked, in a tence firefight i drag all my actions all over the place...

    * The most anoying one for me personally is the fact that the sound system is completely busted.. the moment too much happens in the scene, the game just can't seem to process all the different sounds and won't play them or like have little sounds here and there but nowhere near acurate of what it should be.

    *When im using the minimap to navigate my ship it's getting some sort of delay or i dont know how to call it but everytime i click on the minimap, for example in GG to travel to the other side for repairs the game shows my ship on screen but when the aliens reach me im actually on a different spot on the map and i take damage even though on my screen the aliens are not there yet.. but are attacking me on a different spot on the map.. when i move mu ship normally the game needss like 5 secondes to reach my ship and all is fine again.. this is dangerous in a dificult GG or map.

    * Equipment is bugged out often when i try to move stuff from my ship and back.. it gets into a loading loop and i have to close and reopen it again and again.

    * Assembly is acting super weird when my pet or my ship are getting attacked or are attacking an enemy.. i can't use the assembly untill im out of combat.. it moves all the tiles around and the moment i interact with it, it just switches tiles al over the place.. no use.

    * Visually drones and some ships are crazy low quality/graphically but this is just a quality of life in the end i geuss haha.

    Im enjoying the game more than the past 4-5 years and im happy i made a fresh start with an awesome clan that is really active and helping.

    Im curious what the future will hold for darkorbit My biggest concern right now is that the ranking system is again overrunned by botters and it's sad because the first few weeks were awesome but now it's Flash all over again and i hope to see some improvement regarding the ranking. My FEEBACK on this would be to like seperate the people that are botting to a different ranking and let the manual players dominate the normal ranking.. so that we know what account is "fake" and wich is Hard work!

    Keep up the great work, we have ups and downs but im enjoying in the end.

    .-señor_dark11-. and Seraphim like this.
  15. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    on new server been trying to use crafting system but its showing up all my items from my main server its not letting me craft items
  16. **silver**

    **silver** User

    thumb down for unity client and comment and keep calm ^^