New Unstable Modules Salvage Expansion

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Oddessey, Aug 24, 2022.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit


    Hello SpacePilots,

    After months of endless research, our top scientists have finally managed to harness the temporal energy of Salvage Cores. Restabilize your unstable modules with peace of mind with the new Salvage function. After restabilizing, you have the option to perform Salvage: You now have the choice to keep the original stats or to overwrite them with the newly rolled stats.

    Hanger Update! We’ve listened to your feedback about the usability of managing the modules that you have in the inventory when equipping them on your ship. No longer will you have to hover over all existing unstable modules to see which one can be equipped on your actual ship. With this update, the upgrade modules applicable on the ship you are managing will be highlighted. This makes it way easier to equip them on your ship.

    And to top it all off: There will now be a time-limited filter on the Assembly window which – when selected – will only show the recipes that are time-exclusive, e.g. event recipes.

    More information about this update can be found in our FAQ: [LINK]

    Please let us know what you think about the update in our feedback thread: [LINK]

    Your DarkOrbit Team
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