Newbie Starter's Guide

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by Great_Beast_Cerberus, Jun 4, 2016.

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  1. I haven't seen one in forum, so i figured i'd post one.

    this is my guide for new players, its quick and easy, it'll help with most issues that new players would run into.

    immediately after you complete the opening tutorials, follow this guide to strengthen your character, and gives you at least some ground to stand on.

    STEP 1

    Skylab <--- i can not stress this enough, there's 1 flaw that all new players make that can hurt their game right off the get go. no joke, even i've made this mistake.


    Collectors, you do them in this order

    1. Terbrium
    2. Endurium
    3. Prometium

    this way, you wont risk getting PK'ed(player killed) just trying to collect terbium, on x-3 or x-4. by collecting prometium on x-1 instead, you're safe.

    after you've done that, build the Prometid refinery, and if you wish, the duranium refinery

    ofc, keep the collectors, at least 2 levels higher than the refineries.

    the basic and Solar modules 2 levels above that.

    once you've done that, start transfering prometid, or duranium to your ship to sell via the transport module. collect a few million credits off that.

    you sell at one of these


    after that, head to the auction house

    STEP 2



    this section of hourly, you'll find a ship called leonov


    win bid on it, if you lose, dont worry, try again the next hour, :)


    once you do, start building your money back up, and head for shop. you'll want to get these 2 items,



    this will help insure your survival in the first few rough days on the home maps(x-1, x-2, x-3, x-4) against aliens. you're not strong enough to pick fights with other players, so don't try that.

    STEP 4 for CPU's and Gadgets
    after that, and you built up even more credits, go back to auction and bid on these items

    -Slot CPU 4
    -Auto Rocket CPU
    -Amunition CPU
    -Repair Bot 4
    -Advanced Jump CPU 1
    -Rocket CPU
    -Rocket-Launcher CPU
    -Rocket Turbo
    -Repair-bot auto CPU (this one is usually a gimmic from tutorial, but not certain if it still does so i'm listing it anyways)
    -Cargo Bay Expansion
    -Hellstorm launcher 2

    you can get these in any order, just make sure you get the slot cpu first. hellstorm second

    STEP 5 Drones and Formations

    the next thing to get would be the drone formations and flax drones, as they will improve your power and longevity, for starters buy the flax, buy 6 for optimal usage you find here


    after you collect 6 flax, collect these drone formations



    although F-20-WV does nothing for your ship's abilities, its still a nice buy

    STEP 6 My Little P.E.T.10: Pethood Is Magic :D

    after all purchases are made, start building your uridium, and credits, as well as your level. once you have 50,000 uridium. get P.E.T-10.


    This little guy will help you out more times than you can count for the remainder of your time on Dark Orbit. so its highly recommended to get it as soon as possible.

    you wont find it in auction, it has its own little section in shop :)

    lastly, resist spending uridium as much as possible, cause there's stuff in shop that isn't available in auction.

    after you've followed this guide, you should have a decent grasp on what to do on Dark Orbit, if not, you'll meet other players who will be glad to help you as i am now.

    Fair Flying and happy hunting Pilot :D
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  2. jackknife

    jackknife User

    Great post, and you put the leo in there as a first purchase I see to many way under powered goli flying about. I would also mention flaxes ( drones ) buy your first 4 or 5 with credits and your first Iris with uri or auction. I would do this before a pet. But great post.
    Great_Beast_Cerberus likes this.
  3. i'll add that thx :)
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
  4. Royal

    Royal User

    And is better to buy AO3 shields...Try it a help from a veteran! ;)
  5. I would rather have the 10% less damage to the hull with the loss if 1K shield of the BO1 (4000 Shield 70% less Dmg) over the AO3 (5000 Shield 60% less Dmg). Shields regenerate easier than Hull plus I can use SAB ammo to add to my shields while depleting the attacked shields.
  6. I got a video series for newbs, mind if I post the link to that thread here? :D
    jackknife likes this.
  7. You should add it to your signature, we are allowed 3 embedded links in our signatures.
  8. AO-3 are not better than the BO-1, 1000 shield points difference, ooo, i'm impressed, but the shield resistance will help alot better, instead of 40% hitting your health, 30% is better
  9. your guide is only for players to get to FE, and i bet, only for the equipment, and not the pilot points, so its doesn't exactly help since how, LF-3's are 12mil to 30mil creds, and BO-2's are 10mil to 25mil creds, and thats not including the irises going for 50 million on a good day. bad day looking at 75 million or higher, my guide works best for players, that are just starting out. if they wish to pursue FE, they can, but this is to give them the best odds to get there.
    spy-girl and KilerStreak like this.
  10. Yup, and my guide does cover the starting out phase, account development and credit farming. It's not simply a Guide to FE.
    And once the FE series is complete, I'll switch over to my personal account and start on the guide to UFE.
    Also, don't forget.
    Auction prices are dependent on the server. In West, I haven't seen the Iris hit 50 million in ages, highest I'm generally seeing is 20~30 million.
  11. Dynabi

    Dynabi User

    This is really helpful for new players, really nice that you made this!
  12. SlagRock

    SlagRock User

    I bought a P.E.T and put some equipment on it and got the max fuel for it but it does not show up when I go out to fight. It shows up in the hanger but not on the ship when I go out, any ideas????
  13. Make your own thread about that in General Issues. Hijacking another thread just makes for confusion.
  14. SlagRock

    SlagRock User

    Sorry, I thought this was for new people to find answers to their problems....