Newsletter always neen active but Neva got email

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by RapidFire, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. RapidFire

    RapidFire User

    I have Neva received a email for any gate or offer I changed my email to see if that was the problem but till haven't been getting any emails from darkorbit can I get the hades gate I should have received in an email
    RAPID-FIRE(noob) likes this.

    *MOONGLOW* User

    dont bet on it , ive got same problem ... informed support same day said they would look into it ... now im just being ignored lol , so happy i no longer spend on this game :)
  3. RapidFire

    RapidFire User

    I've always been a free player and am full havoc big point probs don't give free gates to free players
    RAPID-FIRE(noob) and *MOONGLOW* like this.
  4. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I'm a free player to. I got last years Brithday Gate but I also didn't receive the news letter or the chance to play the gate this year.
  5. Hello RapidFire

    In order to receive the voucher codes you would need to be registered for our newsletter. If you are already registered then you would need to check your spam or trash to see if it's there, if not then you would not receive the newsletter and voucher code this time as you were not registered when it was sent out.

    You can subscribe for newsletter and read more about it by clicking below link> Newsletter Registration FAQ

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?