No Connection

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by -≈ID0L0NI≈-, Mar 31, 2024.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Not been able to connect for several hours. Anyone else have this problem please add below. Thanks.
  2. tibstar

    tibstar User

    unable to connect since yesterday
  3. Guess they are away for Easter. Maybe they will fix the game on Tuesday.
  4. **silver**

    **silver** User

    24 hours without connection......censored any comment ^^
    bigkn1ghtstu likes this.
  5. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    game not working again, seems to be a regular event this............
  6. User ID - 162197184
    ---Global America 5 / Sunday 03/31/2024 - 11:47am EST---
    Game page refuses to connect - Connection Info - "Establishing Connection...Please wait" / Repeated attempts even after "Clear Cache" option has been exercised results with no resolution.

    ---BigPoint and Dark Orbit - Please review and verify player(s) status. Please take appropriate action to remove and ban accounts that violate the TOS; hindering regular players that play by the rules. Your reputation as a Browser Game provider is suffering because of a few vindictive or disenfranchised players flooding your server(s), and causing havoc to the faithful and law-abiding players that enjoy your game. The Trains and Bots are CONTROLLING your server(s) with DDOS attacks (as acknowledged by one of your own developers two days ago) and you can and should stop those individuals who use those programs from having any kind of access.

    Thank you for your game and thank you for helping us that have no control over these issues. We just want to get back to gaming.
    Signed by a Faithful Player - Concrete-Token
    EmperorOfTheOrbit likes this.
  7. RaptorXXI

    RaptorXXI User

    USA West here... Yup, connection KO'ed again.
  8. Here we go again...
  9. pilepilee

    pilepilee User

    Access to the game is not possible on Global EU . Why ?
  10. 15 hours no connection,since yesterday 17:00
    bigkn1ghtstu likes this.
  11. tibstar

    tibstar User

    Every time there is a ban wave this no connection problem happens, without fail.