No more. Please

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by sk.eic.r.easy[Halo], Jun 23, 2024.

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  1. my pet and i have picked up thousands but there's always ONE MORE

    its affecting my health, my ranking and i'm even dreaming about them

    for the love of god please get rid of the orange booty boxes

  2. They were great with box doubler when they first came out then they nerfed them even though they said they wouldn't typical they wait till you buy box doubler then they rip it away after you pay for something.
    This is the reason I spend as little as possible on this game as they do that way to often to paying players.
  3. I encourage you to not spend money on this game. Its end is coming.
  4. The boxes looked good at first but WOW did they go bad quickly. I see the AI picking them up but its not like the eggs back in 2012