No newsletter or Hades Gate

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Kensington-1, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Hi,

    I haven't received a newsletter with the free Hades Gate code in it. I usually receive newsletters and have checked my spam folder.

    Should I have received it already? It's really hard to find out much about this issue on these forums. Is there an official announcement anywhere or is this just a well-kept secret for a privileged few?
  2. Search your email for "Dark Orbit".
  3. That only shows past newsletters - nothing recent or mentioning Hades Gate. What I am after is some official confirmation from a moderator that all players who have subscribed to the newsletter should have received a free Hades Gate or is this just some kind of rumour or hoax. If Bigpoint don't tell us what they are supposed to be sending then we will never know if we are missing out on something through no fault of our own.
  4. i got mine in yahoo e mail but need a group to hades gate

  5. Would you mind posting to support with this problem. A redirect can be found in my Sig below.

    the thread will be closed as directed to support
    thank you all for your time upon this matter

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