No Shield Config? What's up with that?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mygreenday69, Jan 18, 2014.

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  1. Maybe I'm just too noob but what is with this "no-shield" config that I see some players using. I'm FE but I do not have any of the apis or zeus drones nor do I have any LF4s. Just LF3s. I have goliath enforcer with 2 pilot points on Bounty Hunter One. I've shot at these players fully sep and with 25 plus LF3s using x4 ammo and their HP bar barely moves. One player let me shoot him at port for nearly 30 seconds and it barely even budged his HP. Of course I was using rockets and rocket launcher as well. And it seems like this for every player I see with the no-shield config. I've also noticed that this is only on uri-based ships. Never seen this config on a credit ship.

    So what is up with that? Is this some sort of hack or special ability you receive by purchasing a uri based ship?

    BOSS~ADAM User

    This is a Suicide configuration that some more powerful hunters and Ufe's run to take down enemies quicker, they'd usually run this with Moth drone formation and HP boosters for max shield penetration and damage and HP. With this setup they can have 400k+ HP and be somewhat difficult to take down considering their damage output and high HP, depending what ammo you use though, which I don't know what ammo you used but it should've taken them down somewhat since they don't have any shields.
  3. This is what we called 'Suicide or Kamikaze config'. Basically its used to kill your enemies a-lot faster ( because you're doing full damage) & works exceptionally well with the Moth Drone formation.
    The reason to that may be because of their PP ( Pilot Points) set-up. Those that usually run Suicide have maximum Pilot points in PvP, and this includes Evasive Maneuver I & II. This decreases the chance of your enemies lasers actually hitting you. Hence why your lasers have barely hit taken down his/her HP.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Evasive maneuvers, I've never heard a suicide be called a kamikaze config lol. Some Ufe's don't run the evasive maneuvers but build their mine bio first, it's hard to tell lol.
    The Aim CPU, increases the accuracy of lasers for the player employing the CPU and doesn't decrease the probability of getting hit.
  5. Lol, you have a point there. Got confused. :L
  6. Thanks for all your input but this doesn't add up. If I'm hitting at 38960 and with a 10 percent reduction for evasive maneuvers that leaves around 34000 I'm hitting per shot. At that level these no shield players should be losing all their hp in about 12 seconds even if they have an hp booster and their hp is over 400,000. That's assuming if my lasers are only shooting one barrage per second. If they're shooting 2 barrages per second then it would be 6 seconds. I've seen in some videos where players in goliaths have 612,000 HP on youtube. There is something wrong here. Like I said, I literally shot at this one player with x4s and sep at a portal for about 30 seconds. It barely budged his hp so I just stopped firing. It was like shooting at a BBK and I was just wasting x4s. That player didn't even bother shooting back. It were as if I was one of those annoying little lorkordias that follow you around on the 1x maps.

    The math doesn't add up. I just witnessed this today again on map 5-2 at port, two players an aegis and a goliath both with their crowns, were shooting this no shield player who was at the same time killing an annihilator (in an aegis) with fats and it was barely moving his hp bar. So he was getting fired upon by two UFE players with fats and an annihilator and his hp barely moved. I'm going to record it next time I see it so people can see what I'm talking about. He should have been destroyed in about 3 seconds but was able to kill the annilator and escape being destroyed by the other two UFE players.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Lordakia's reside in x-2, x-3, x-4, x-5 maps. This sounds like a possible battle cheat if he ran a suicide you used whites and sep and he didn't budge, record it next time if possible.
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  8. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    Doesn't even matter if you record it. Support dont take evidence from players regardless of how solid the evidence is.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    He could still record it so other players could view it and perhaps explain how the player is taking next to no damage on a suicide but your right, don't bother with support.
  10. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    There is a little trick that I've just found out today and that's to dart in and out when attacking someone, I have no shield as I run a kamikaze Spearhead :p I zoom in, rsb +x4, then pop back out before they've returned fire. I can keep doing this until they are dead :)


    yeah the suicide config can be deadly...:)
  12. Congratulations. You just witnessed your first hacker. Send the screenshot/video to support and hope they get banned.